Annual Report 2007–08
77 校 園 發 展 與 環 境 保 護 Campus Development and Environmental Protection two years on their management and maintenance. The total area of afforestation will be up to two hectares. The University was the first local tertiary institution to take part in the scheme. Education The University continued to offer a wide range of courses to educate students about the environment. Forums and seminars featuring experts from the world over were also organized to shed light on topics related to the environment. In October, the University organized Environmental Protection Week 2007 under the theme ‘Building a Sustainable Campus’. Mr. Edward Yau, Secretary for the Environment, and Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, Vice-Chancellor of the University, presented Certificates of Commendation to 27 student hostels fitted with evacuated tube solar collectors, before powering on the solar water heater system atop Adam Schall Residence, United College. There were also a green exhibition, screening of the film An Inconvenient Truth and tree planting. 推動步行文化 大學校園發展處和物業管理處聯手設計 貫通校園的步行捷徑,包括行人天橋、升 降機、小徑等,以鼓勵步行,減少車流。大 學健康促進及防護委員會更於二零零七 年十一月舉辦第二次「樂步行」活動,約有 六百多名中大師生參加,由大學鐵路站步 行至逸夫書院,享受漫步校園之樂。 為社區植林 中大社區植林計劃於二零零七年十月展 開,是漁農自然護理署企業植林計劃的一 部分。大學成員於大埔滘草山的一幅兩公 頃土地,種植逾二千五百多株樹苗,最終 期以三年時間於該處種植一萬棵原生品 種的樹苗,並以兩年時間管理和栽種。中 大是首家參加該計劃的大學。 提倡環保教育 中大繼續提供多樣化的課程,向學生灌輸 環保知識,又舉辦論壇和研討會,邀請世 界各地的專家講論環保議題。二零零七年 十月,中大舉行環保周,以「共建可持續 發展校園」為主題。環境局局長邱騰華先 生和中大校長劉遵義教授,頒發表揚證書 予二十七棟裝有真空熱導管式太陽能熱水 器系統的學生宿舍,又為聯合書院湯若望 宿舍天台的太陽能熱水器系統主持啟動 儀式。其他環保周的活動包括展覽、播放 關於環保的電影《絕望真相》,以及植樹 等。 環境局局長邱騰華先生(中)為環保周 擔任主禮嘉賓 Mr. Edward Yau (centre), Secretary for the Environment, officiating at the Environmental Protection Week 2007 「樂步行」活動鼓勵步行校園 Launching of Walking Campaign to encourage walking on campus 中大社區植林計劃 The CUHK Community Afforestation Scheme
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