Annual Report 2004–05
「優化敎學協作計劃」簡介會 A PILT briefing session • T he faculty received two large grants amounting to HK$74 million from the Education and Manpower Bureau for implementing two school development projects, 'The Partnership for Improvemen t of Learning and Teaching (PILT)' and 'The Quality School Improvemen t (QSI)' , for five years from 2004. The excellent achievemen t of CUHK in promoting school developmen t has long been recognized and respected by the local education community . The projects have positioned the faculty as a stronghold for school developmen t in Asia. • O u t s t a n d i ng alumni : — 12 out of 44 awardees of the 2003-04 Chief Executive' s Award for Teaching Excellence who excelled in language teaching were graduates of the faculty. —M r. Leung Tim, 2004 graduate of the Master of Education Programme , won the 'Intel Excellence in Teaching Award' at the 19th Chines Adolescents Science and Technology Invention Contest held in August 2004. The contest, one of the largest national fairs of China, honours 10 teachers every year. — M r. Fong Tik Pui Daniel, 2003 graduate of Master of Science Programme in Exercise Science, received the Best Project Award 2004 from the Occupationa l Safety and Health Counci l with a project entitled 'Biomechanic s Study on Prevention f Occupationa l Slips and Falls in Hong Kong'. Moreover , his research 'Lower Extremity Biomechanics of Gait on Slippery Surfaces in Simulated Construction Worksite Environments ' was awardethe Hong Kong Ergonomics Society Outstanding Project Award 2004. • With the generous donation of Dr. Tien Chang Lin Technology Innovation Foundation Ltd., a lecture series in Language Education and Liberal Education was inaugurated in January 2005. The two lectures in the year under review were: —'Controversie s n Grammar Teaching' by Prof. Rod Ellis of the University of Auckland on 21st January 2005, and —'Teaching Writing in 21st Century' by Prof. Richard Sterling of the University of California, Berkeley on 25th May 2005. • T he Le Hysan Lecture Series in Education, supported by the Le Hysan Foundation, entered into its eight year. The lectures held in 2004-05 were: — ' E d u c a t i on for the 21st Century' by Prof. Peter M. Senge of Massachusett Institute of Technology on 16th November 2004, and — ' L i fe in the Information Age: Implications for Educationa l Policy' by Prof. Martin Carnoy of Stanford University on 15th June 2005. • T he faculty organized several conferences and symposia during the year: —Symposium on 'Literary Education' o 29th January 2005 —Symposium on 'Children's Literature and Language Education' o 2nd April 2005 — The Seventh Conference on ‘Curriculum Theories of the Thre Regions Across the Strait: Curriculum Development , Professiona l Development of Teachers and Schools' Rejuvenation ' 22nd and 23rd April 2005 學 術 發 展 A c a d e m ic D e v e l o p m e nt 33
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