Annual Report 1997-98
University an d th e Facult y o f Educatio n o f th e University o f Hon g Kon g i n Octobe r 1997 . — A 'Conferenc e o n Cooperation i n Educatio n be t wee n Shanghai an d Hon g Kon g 1997 : Facin g th e Challenges' was co-organize d wit h th e Shangha i Societ y of Educatio n an d th e Facult y o f Educationa l Scienc e and Technolog y o f Eas t Chin a Norma l Universit y in Octobe r 1997 . 3. Th e facult y als o hoste d a numbe r o f f o r um s an d international c on f e r en c es for th e sharin g o f idea s o n t h e application o f informatio n technolog y i n education : —F o u r publi c lecture s o n informatio n technolog y education (Novembe r an d De c embe r 1997 ) —‘International Con f e r en c e o n Restructurin g th e Know l edge Bas e o f Educatio n i n Asia ' (Februar y 1998) — A 'Globa l Chines e Conference on Comp u t e r i n Education '98 ' (Jun e 1998 ) —T h e Chines e Educationa l Resource s Informatio n Centre (C-ERIC ) database , wh i c h collect s Englis h and Chines e article s publishe d i n 1 7 leadin g educational journal s i n Hon g Kong , mainlan d China , and Taiwan , wa s pu t o n th e Internet. 4. Th e Departmen t o f Sport s Scienc e an d Physica l Education co-hosted a n internationa l symposiu m o f sport s medicine wit h Gatorad e Sport s Scienc e Institut e i n Oc t ober 1997 , an d organize d th e thir d Annua l international Symposium o n Sport s Scienc e an d Physica l Education i n Ma y 1998 , wit h 'th e Rol e o f Physica l Education in th e Changin g Educationa l Climate ' a s it s theme , event Academic Development 27
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