Annual Report 2007–08
32 • 地理與資源管理學系成立中國環境戰略研究中心,促進策略性環境 影響評估的發展,並發展中國對環境影響評價的實力。中心的使命 有二 : 提供平台,讓國際組織及國內外策略環境評估從業人員研究 與發展適用中國的方法與實踐模式 ; 以及透過建立制度和建構實 力,提高策略性環境評估在中國實施的效用。 The Centre of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for China was established in the Department of Geography and Resource Management for promoting strategic environmental assessment and building capacity in impact assessment in China. The centre has a two-fold mission: to provide a platform for international agencies and SEA practitioners in and outside of China to research and develop appropriate methods and practices for China, and to enhance the effectiveness of SEA practices in China through institution and capacity building. • 心理學系「第六屆華人心理學家學術研討會」於二零零八年六月舉 行,為期四天。三百八十多位來自澳洲、國內、香港、日本、韓國、澳 門、馬來西亞、新西蘭、新加坡、台灣和美國的學者參加,會上發表了 二百四十二篇論文及展示了七十六份學術海報。此外,為支援四川地 震善後工作,大會於六月十二日特別安排兩場論壇和工作坊,討論因 應不同文化而異的災後心理危機干預手法。 The Department of Psychology organized the Sixth Chinese Psychologist Conference in June 2008. Over 380 participants from Australia, mainland China, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Macau, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, Taiwan, and the US attended the four-day conference and presented 242 papers and 76 posters. In response to the Sichuan earthquake, a special workshop and a forum were organized on 12 June to discuss culturally relevant crisis intervention approaches to psychological trauma. • 經濟學系、教育局和《香港經濟日報》舉辦第二屆「全港經濟精英杯 爭霸戰」,吸引七十一間中學的四百二十六名學生參加。參賽者從二零 零七年十月至二零零八年三月參與連串的網上比賽,最終二十二間中學 的九十九名學生晉級,於二零零八年四月二十六日在中大爭奪獎盃。 The Department of Economics co-organized the Second Hong Kong Elite Economics Students Contest with the Education Bureau and the Hong Kong Economic Times . A total of 426 students from 71 secondary schools participated in the contest. After a series of on-line tests running from October 2007 to March 2008, 99 students from 22 secondary schools entered the final contest held on the CUHK campus on 26 April 2008. 2 1 1. 第六屆華人心理學家學術研討會 The Sixth Chinese Psychologist Conference 2. 全港經濟精英杯爭霸戰參加者 Participants of the Hong Kong Elite Economics Students Contest 社會科學院大事掠影 Major Events in the Faculty of Social Science
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