Annual Report 2007–08
15 學 術 發 展 Academic Development 亞洲首創:法律博士 /工商管理碩士雙學位課程 JD/MBA Double Degree Programme : Asia‘s First 於二零零七年首度招生的法律博士 / 工商管理碩士雙 學位課程,是本港首個跨學科的研究院雙學位課程, 亦是全亞洲首個結合法學與商學培訓的研究院雙學位 課程。課程設計綜合法律的理性思考和專業知識,以及 商業理論和策略思維,培養學生成為本地、中國,以至 亞洲的領導人才,服務商界、政府、社會服務、執法機關、教育及傳媒等領域。 由於法律學院及工商管理學院互認部分學分,修讀此嶄新課程,較諸分別修讀法律博士及 工商管理碩士兩個學位所需的學分少兩成,修業年期亦較短,學生可於三年(全日制)或五 年(兼讀制)內完成。 The JD/MBA Double Degree Programme, which admitted its first intake in 2007, is the first cross-disciplinary postgraduate double degree programme in Hong Kong. It brings to Asia, for the first time, an articulated postgraduate double degree combining law and business leadership. It combines an academically rigorous and professionally enriching programme of legal and business studies which will equip graduates with the education and skills required for leadership in Hong Kong, China and Asia. Through reciprocal recognition of coursework, the programme will allow students to complete both Juris Doctor (JD) and the Master of Business Administration (MBA) in a shorter period of time, reducing the overall study load by 20%. Students can complete in three years of full-time study or five years of part- time study. 法律學院法律博士課程主任何世勳教授(左)及工商管理學院副院長 (研究院課程)范傑信教授公布開辦法律博士 / 工商管理碩士課程 Prof. Stephen Hall (left), coordinator of the Juris Doctor Programme, School of Law and Prof. Michael Ferguson, associate dean, Graduate Studies, Faculty of Business Administration announcing the launch of the JD/MBA Programme
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