Annual Report 2001–02
第一屆榮譽院士頒授典禮 The first honorary fellowship conferment c e r emo ny 泉先生,在國際醫學界享有崇高聲譽的肝臟外科醫 生 Prof. Kenneth E.F. Hobbs ,國際著名植物學家 胡秀英敎授,基兆業地產有限公司創辦人李兆基 博士,慈善家兼本港資深司法界人士大紫荊勳賢李 福善博士,以及傑出實業家、寶業集團主席劉尚儉 先生。 在此同時,我們卻先後失去兩位曾匡扶大學多年的 傑出人物,令人久久不能釋懷。醫學院創院院長兼 前任大學副校長蔡永業敎授於二零零一年十二月溘 然長逝,而歷任新亞書院校董會主席十三年的陶學 祈博士亦於二零零二年五月撒手塵寰。他們均曾 出任中大校董約四分之一個世紀,長期獻身高等敎 育,對中大的貢獻尤其巨大,大學同人對他們永誌 難忘。 告別 正當中大躊躍滿志,準備在廿一世紀再闖高峰之 際,也就是我要説再見,到政府敎統局出任新職之 時。二十年於茲,一旦離去,自然是百感交集。稍 堪告慰的,是我仍會繼續為包括中大在內的敎育界 服務;過去二十年我在這裡取得的寶貴經驗,也必 定有助我履行新職。 經過四十年的不斷發展,今日的中大是一所穩重成 熟,充滿信心,運作暢順的大學。它正穩步朝更高 的目標邁進,並將會在國際學術界發揮更大的影響 力。就在大學即將慶祝成立四十周年的前夕,我衷 心祝願中大百尺竿頭,於第五個十年創造出更輝煌 的成績,為社會作出更大的貢獻。 校長 李國章 二零零二年七月三十一日 Simon Li Fook-sean, philanthropist and a much respected veteran in the legal profession; and Mr. Richard S.C. Liu, a successful entrepreneur and chairman of Superior Holdings Ltd. Much as I am gratified by the University's many splendid achievements, it saddens me to have to record the loss of two of its venerable leaders during the period. Prof. Gerald Choa, founding dean of the Faculty of Medicine and pro- vice-chancellor of the University before his retirement, passed away in December 2001. Dr. Edwin Tao, chairman of the New Asia Board of Trustees for some 13 years, passed away in May 2002. Both of them had been members of the University Council for a quarter of a century. Their lifelong devotion to the promotion of higher education and their distinguished contributions t o The Chinese University in particular will be long-remembered by us all. Bidding Farewell When the University is fully poised to scale new heights in different dimensions in the 21st century, it is also time for me to say goodbye and take up new duties in the HKSAR government. Having served the University for 20 full years, I must confess that leaving at this point in time has caused very mixed feelings. But 丨 find solace in the fact that 丨 will still be serving the educational community of Hong Kong, of which The Chinese University is an integral part. I am also convinced that the experience I have gained in educational administration over the last two decades at the University will stand me in good stead in my new job. After some 40 years of rapid growth, the University is now a mature and well-run institution of higher learning, full of confidence in its own potentials, and all ready to play a more significant role at the international level. On the eve of its 40th anniversary, I wish the University all the best and look forward to seeing more brilliant feats and greater contributions by its members as the University marches into its fifth decade. Arthur K.C. Li Vice-Chancellor 31st July 2002 VICE-CHANCELLOR'S REVIEW 校長報告 9
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