Annual Report 2005–06
教職員 Staff 67 Staff Profile With the inception of the School of Law, the University appointed the School’s first Professor of Law and Director, Prof. Mike McConville in August 2005. He was also awarded the title of Simon F.S. Li Professor of Law. The school invited three top experts in the common law world as Honorary Professors of Law, namely, Lord Woolf of Barnes, Dr. the Honourable Sir T.L. Yang and Sir David Williams QC. In the Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Dennis Y.M. Lo, Professor of Chemical Pathology, was named Li Ka Shing Professor of Medicine from September 2005. Prof. Kan Yuet Wai, an expert in DNA research, was appointed as Honorary Professor of Medicine. Dr. Richard J. Roberts, a distinguished microbiologist and Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine, was appointed as Honorary Professor of Science. Prof. Bonnie S. McDougall, a renowned scholar in translation, joined the Department of Translation as Research Professor in early 2006. New leadership in the University’s health, student and information services saw the joining of Prof. Fong Yuk Fai, Ben as Director of the University Health Service, Dr. Leung Tin Ming, Timothy as Director of Student Affairs, and Ms. Conita So Chun Leung as Director, Information Services Office. Staff Training and Development The University encourages staff members to enhance their knowledge and skills through continuous learning to meet ever-changing job demands. In 2005-06, the following training and development opportunities were offered: • Staff development programmes and grants: four teachers received financial support from the University in the form of scholarships, fellowships, training loans or special grants to further their studies and conduct research at local and overseas institutions of higher learning. • Conference grants: financial assistance was given by the University to 359 staff members to attend academic and professional conferences in Hong Kong and overseas. • Reimbursement of training and development expenses: successful applicants were reimbursed via their departments’/units’ training budget to attend job-related seminars, workshops, and training programmes run by external organizations. • The Staff Training and Development Unit of the Personnel Office organized training workshops and a total of 3,188 staff members attended various workshops last year. Apart from those on improvement of job skills, seminars and workshops were also organized to promote employee well-being and work-life balance. • The Exemplary Service Award Scheme was held again in 2005-06 to give recognition to staff members who had stood out in their rendering of customer service. In 2005-06, nine staff members from different departments/units were selected for the award based on such criteria 不同國家和地區,包括美國、加拿大、英國、澳紐、 日本與其他東南亞和歐洲國家。 教職員概況 二零零五年八月,麥高偉教授( Prof. Mike McConville ) 應聘為法律學講座教授,加入新成立的法律學院, 同時獲委任為法律學院主任。麥高偉教授並獲冠 名為「李福善法律學講座教授」。 法律學院亦邀請 了伍爾夫勳爵、楊鐵樑 爵士及 SirDavidWilliamsQC 三位普通法權威擔任法律學榮譽講座教授。 醫學院現任化學病理學講座教授盧煜明教授於二 零零五年九月獲冠名為「李嘉誠醫學講座教授」。 基因研究專家簡悅威教授亦獲聘為醫學榮譽講座 教授。 著名微生物學家及諾貝爾生理或醫學獎得主Dr. Richard J. Roberts 應聘為理學榮譽講座教授。 二零零六年初,大學邀請知名翻譯學者杜博妮教授 (Prof. Bonnie S. McDougall )加入翻譯系任研究 講座教授。 方玉輝教授、梁天明博士及梁素珍女士分別獲聘 為保健處處長、學生事務處處長及資訊處高級主 任,領導大學保健衛生、學生事務及資訊事宜。 教職員培訓及發展 大學一直鼓勵教職員持續進修,以適應不斷轉變的 社會環境,接受新的挑戰和應付新的工作需要。在 二零零五至零六年度,各項培訓及發展計劃概況如 下: ·教職員進修計劃:四名教師獲大學或校外基金 給予獎助學金,在本港或海外專上院校進修或 開展研究工作。 ·會議補助金:大學提供津貼予三百五十九名成功 申請者,在本港及海外出席學術和專業會議。 ·進修津貼:各學系及行政部門的財政預算續獲分 配員工培訓及發展經費,資助員工進修以提高工 作技能和知識。獲資助者參加了不同的業務研 討會、工作坊及培訓課程等。 ·校內培訓項目:人事處員工培訓及發展組續為不 同職級員工舉辦培訓課程,參加者達三千一百八 十八人次。除各種提升工作技能的工作坊外,亦 組辦了不同講座,以促進員工工作與生活平衡及 提升生活質素。
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