Annual Report 2005–06
服務社會 放眼世界 Service to Hong Kong and the World 65 year project. The HK$64 million project develops technologies and facilities for the design and building of mechanical watch movements. It is believed that at the end of the project, Hong Kong will be able to design high-end mechanical watch movements and manufacture at least 5,000 high-quality complete mechanical watch movements per year. The Asia-Pacific Institute of Business (APIB) supports the business community in the form of executive training, research and consultancy services, by building on the teaching and research excellence of the Faculty of Business Administration. In 2005-06, the APIB organized a series of executive programmes, seminars and workshops on finance, business communication, management and marketing for local and Mainland corporations. APIB research centres also applied their research findings to local industries such as hospitality and real estate. 物理系聯同自動化與計算機輔助工程學系獲創新 及科技基金撥款六千萬元開發用於設計及製造機 械錶芯的研究及發展,整個項目為期三年,屆時香 港將擁有高科技的機械錶芯設計技術,以及可每年 生產五千枚優質錶芯。 亞太工商研究所致力為各企業提供行政培訓、研 究及顧問服務,務求將中大商學院卓越的教研成果 回饋工商界。年內,該所為本港及國內多家大型企 業舉辦多項行政培訓課程、座談會及研討班,內容 涉及財務學、商業溝通、管理學及市場學等課題。 課程包括按企業要求而專門設計的商業方案。研 究所轄下的研究中心亦致力將研究成果應用於香 港的工商業,如旅遊業及房地產。 智能混合動力汽車 Omni-directional Hybrid Electric Vehicle (左起) 特首曾蔭權先生、劉遵義校長、 自動化與計算機輔助工程學系徐揚生 教授及該系系主任任揚教授 From left: Mr. Donald Tsang, Chief Executive, Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, Prof. Xu Yangsheng, and Prof. Yam Yeung 發動機 Engine 發電機 Generator 電池 Battery 輪轂電機 In-wheel Motor
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