Annual Report 2017–18
眾擎易舉 黽勉同心 Joining Hands and Hearts to Make a Change 49 納米技術實驗室 中大、南韓大邱慶北科學技術院和瑞士蘇黎 世聯邦理工學院於2017年11月29日簽定協 議,成立「創新醫學科技聯合研究中心」。該 研究中心的目標為應用微米/納米機械人及 其他納米醫學 技 術,檢測及治療消化道和心 血管疾病,並且為三校員生提供切磋、交流 的機會。(上圖) 支援雲端存儲 中大網絡編碼研究所與思特奇信息技術股 份有限公司於2017年12月簽署協議,將中大 的網絡編碼研究成果,應用於思特奇的移動 計費數據中心,作為雲端存儲的核心技術。 思特奇為深圳證券交易所創業板上市公司, 是次協議為該公司首項與內地以外高等院 校簽署的合作協議。 促進人口遷移研究 中大與西安交通大學於2018年6月15日簽定 合作協議,設立「人口遷移聯合研究中心」, 專注研究國際人口遷移和中國國內人口遷移 等問題,並探討人口遷移相關的社會政策和 經濟影響。 Tripartite Laboratory on Nanotechnology CUHK, the Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology, and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, announced the setting up of the Joint Research Laboratory on Innovative Nanotechnologies for Medicine and Healthcare on 29 November 2017. The Laboratory aims to apply micro-/nano-robotics and other nano-medical technologies for the diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal and cardiovascular diseases. The tripartite collaboration also provides faculty members and students from the three institutions the opportunity to engage in skills and knowledge transfer. (Top photo) Supporting Cloud Storage The Institute of Network Coding signed a collaboration agreement in December 2017 with SI-TECH Information Technology, according to which the Institute shall contribute towards the development of cloud storage technology of the SI-TECH mobile billing data centre. SI-TECH is listed on the ChiNext of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and the agreement marked its first collaborative attempt with a research institution outside of mainland China. Promoting Migration Studies The University signed an MOU with Xi’an Jiaotong University on the establishment of the CUHK–XJTU Joint Research Center on Migration on 15 June 2018. The Centre will focus on research areas covering international migration and migration within China, as well as relevant social policies and economic impact.
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