Annual Report 2017–18
眾擎易舉 黽勉同心 Joining Hands and Hearts to Make a Change 47 知名校友臂助 十二名傑出校友加入「環球校友諮詢委員 會」,負責向大學提供策略性意見,提升中 大國際形象,並為大學開拓資源及機遇。加 入委員會的校友皆為來自海外、中國大陸、 香港的商界及社會領袖。該委員會於2018年 3月宣布成立,由校長段崇智教授擔任主席 (上圖)。大學也成立「傑出校友駐校訪問 計劃」,增加大學員生與校友接觸的機會。 高爾夫球日 高爾夫球愛好者與善長於2018年1月24日 的第十三屆「中大高爾夫球日」,籌得二百 九十五萬港元,破歷屆善款紀錄。該筆善款 將用作支持「中大高爾夫球日獎學金」,以及 資助大學和書院發展。 Assistance from Distinguished Alumni Twelve distinguished alumni joined the Global Alumni Advisory Board (GAAB) to advise the University on ways to strengthen its strategic planning, global profile and engagement efforts. The alumni are business and community leaders hailed from overseas countries, mainland China, and Hong Kong. The Board, whose establishment was first announced in March 2018, is chaired by Prof. Rocky S. Tuan, Vice-Chancellor and President of the University (top photo). CUHK also set up the Distinguished Alumni-in-Residence Programme which provides a platform for staff and students to connect with alumni. Golf Day for Charity Enthusiastic golfers and donors contributed to the coffers of the University by participating in the 13th CUHK Golf Day held on 24 January 2018, raising record high proceeds of HK$2.95 million, which will be used to finance the ‘CUHK Golf Day Scholarships’ and support of the development of the University and its Colleges. 回饋母校 Giving by Alumni 2017至18年,校友踴躍回饋母校,表現他們保存中大傳統的決心。 The support given by our alumni in 2017–18 stands for their determination to keep the CUHK legacy alive.
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