Annual Report 2017–18
開闊視野 拓展未來 Broadening the Mind to Open Up a World of Possibilities 19 藥物管理系統 為幫助病人依照醫囑服藥,生物醫學工 程學系學生李卓文及其隊友設計名為 「Treasure」的家庭藥物管理系統,能夠儲 存最多十種藥物,並自動發藥和提醒患者服 藥。「Treasure」贏得「挑戰盃」全國賽香 港區選拔賽—香港大學生創新及創業大賽 2018「創業計劃一等獎」。(上圖) 智能門柄 化學系研究生陳家朗與理學院本科生黃深 銘,利用光觸媒塗層與背光技術,研發出自 潔門柄。該發明吸引海外投資者注意,研究 隊伍並於2017年組成Titanology有限公司, 發揚該技術的應用。 社企計劃獲推許 2018年7月23日舉行的「中大尤努斯社會事 業中心—賽馬會青年計劃」社會領袖獎頒獎 典禮上,三隊由中大校友和學生組成的隊伍 獲獎,每隊得到八萬港元作種子基金。以下 為各隊簡介: • WeWah音樂家:此計劃旨在為清貧兒童 提供免費鋼琴訓練,並翻新或改造樂器, 使更多人能接受音樂教育。 • Philhub:此隊伍與人口販賣活躍地區的 組織合作,為倖存者和在危群體提供技 能訓練,並且出售他們製造的產品,從而 改善他們的生活水平。 • PT乖孫—跨代支援平台:此計劃教導青 少年如何照顧長者,然後配對青少年與長 者,藉此促進兩代交往和關懷。 Smart Medication Management System To improve patients’ drug compliance, Biomedical Engineering student Chapman Li and his teammates developed an all-in-one medication management system known as ‘Treasure’, which provides proper storage and automatic dispensing for up to 10 types of pills. The project won a first-class award in Entrepreneurship Proposal in the ‘Challenge Cup’ National Competition Hong Kong Regional Final—Hong Kong University Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition 2018. (Top photo) Smart Door Handle Donald Ka-long Chan, a postgraduate student from the Department of Chemistry, and Simon Sum-ming Wong, an undergraduate student from the Faculty of Science, developed a self-sanitizing door handle by using photocatalytic coating and backlight technology. The team formed a company named Titanology Limited in 2017 to bring to the wider public the invention, which has attracted the interests of investors worldwide. Social Business Projects Praised The ‘Yunus Social Business Centre (YSBC) at CUHK-Jockey Club Youth Programme’ held the S.I. Leadership Award Ceremony 2018 on 23 July 2018, on which three social business projects by students and alumni were recognized. Each team was awarded HK$80,000 as seed money to kickstart their businesses. Below is a brief description of their winning projects. • WeWah Music: The project aims to provide piano lessons to students of limited means. It also engages in the recycling and upcycling of secondhand musical instruments to make music education affordable for all. • Philhub: By working with anti-human trafficking organizations, Philhub aims to improve the livelihood of trafficking survivors and at-risk individuals through training and sale of projects produced by them. • Part-time Grandchild–Intergenerational Support Platform: The project trains up young people as caretakers who would then be matched with elderly citizens for paid caretaking service. Its objective is to provide intergenerational interactions among the youths and the elderly.
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