Annual Report 2005–06
54 過 去幾年,內科及藥物治療學系潘全威教授專注於將血清蛋白 質體指紋技術應用在生物標誌的研究。血清蛋白質體指紋技 術是由高產量的蛋白質體連續分析技術和生物資訊技術所構成。因為 現時缺乏準確的胃癌生物標誌,潘教授和其同事嘗試利用表面增強激 光解析電離蛋白質芯片技術(SELDI ProteinChip technology)去尋 找有診斷胃癌潛力的血清蛋白質體標誌。 為了避免找到一些只因系統性偏差所產生出的蛋白質差異,此研究設 計了一個嶄新的實驗方法。在生物標誌發現組的血清蛋白質特徵,要 經過第二階段的驗證,方會確認為診斷胃癌潛力的標誌。 這研究顯示,從胃癌病人的血清中能找出一個獨特的蛋白質指紋。這 個應用了SELDI蛋白質芯片技術所得出的血清蛋白質體指紋圖譜,對 非侵略性的胃癌診斷有非常巨大的潛力。 Conducted by Prof. Terence C.W. Poon and staff of the Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, the project ‘Development of Serum Proteomic Markers for Gastric Cancer’ was published in Gastroenterology . For the past few years, Prof. Poon has focused on biomarker research by means of a serum proteomic fingerprinting approach — combined use of high-throughput proteomic profiling technology and bioinformatic technology. As accurate serum biomarkers for gastric cancer are currently lacking, Prof. Poon and his team attempted to identify potential diagnostic serum proteomic markers for gastric cancer with the use of SELDI ProteinChip technology. To avoid identification of differential proteomic features caused by systemic bias, a novel experimental design was employed in this study. The serum differential proteomic features identified in the discovery set were considered as potential diagnostic markers only if their level were reversed in the postoperative sera. The research showed that a unique serum proteomic fingerprint can be detected in the sera of gastric cancer patients. Serum proteomic fingerprinting by SELDI ProteinChip technology has enormous potential for the non-invasive diagnosis of gastric cancer. 傑 出 研 究 計 劃 Outstanding Research Project 血清蛋白質體指紋 Computer analysis of serum protein fingerprints 將血清蛋白質體指紋技術應用在生物標誌的研究 Development of Serum Proteomic Markers for Gastric Cancer
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