Annual Report 2004–05
捐助者 Donors 捐贈金額(港元) Amount donated (HK$) 摘要 Particulars 張煊昌基金有限公司 Thomas H.C. Cheung Foundation Limited 1,000,000 Part of the total donation of $5 million for awarding the Pacific Insurance Scholarship and the Pacific Life Scholarship designated to two non-local mainland students of United College in 2005-06. 張煊昌基金有限公司 Thomas H.C. Cheung Foundation Limited 500,000 To support the Chinese medicine research in diabetes undertaken by the Institute of Chinese Medicine of the University. 香港中華廠商聯合會 The Chinese Manufacturers' Association of H o ng Kong 700,000 For the establishment of a scholarship endowment fund for awarding the C MA Dr. Tse Yuen M a n SARS Memorial Scholarships. 周文軒博士 Dr. Chou Wen-hsien 1,000,000 For the Chou Wen-hsien Fund in support of moral and cultural education of N e w Asia College. 佛光山文教基金會 Fo Guang Shan Foundation for Buddhist Culture and Education 1,200,000 Part of the total donation of $6 m i l l i on for the establishment of the Centre for the Study of Humanistic B u d d h i sm of the Department of Cultural and Religious Studies. 蓬瀛仙館 Fung Ying Seen Koon 1,150,000 Part of the total donation of $5.75 m i l l i on for the establishment of the Fung Ying Seen Koon Fund for Taoist Study for the Department of Cultural and Religious Studies. 恆隆公益有限公司 Ha ng L u ng C ommu n i ty Limited 600,000 To support the Ha ng L u ng Mathematics Awards of the Institute of Mathematical Sciences. 恒生銀行有限公司 Ha ng Seng Bank Limited 6,956,836 Contribution to the University under the A f f i n i ty Card Programme in 2004. 恒生銀行有限公司 Ha ng Seng Bank Limited 520,000 For unspecified purpose at the Vice- Chancellor's discretion in 2004-05. 香港多元智能教育與研究學會 H K Multiple Intelligence Education and Research Association 520,000 For the development f u nd of the Faculty of Science. 匯豐銀行慈善基金 The Ho n g k o ng Bank Foundation 600,000 To support the China Career Development Aw a rd Programme organized by the Office of Student Affairs in the summer of 2004. 聯合國兒童基金香港委員會 H o ng Kong Committee for UN I CEF 541,280 To support the Cathay Pacific Wheelchair Bank for children w i t h neuromuscular disease administered by the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology. 香港賽馬會慈善信託基金 The H o ng Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust 732,000 For awarding (a) eight H o ng Kong Jockey Club Scholarships to outstanding local and mainland students; and (b) a one-off allowance to a scholar of H o ng Kong Jockey Club Scholarship Scheme in 2004-05. 香江獅子會基金 H o ng Kong Oriental Lions Club Foundation Limited 370,000 Part of the total donation of $1 m i l l i on for the establishment of H o ng Kong Oriental Lions Club Scholorships of N e w Asia College. 黎陳佩昂女士 Mrs. Lai Chan Pui-ngong 2,000,000 For the establishment of the M r. Lai Seung H u n g & Mrs. Lai Chan Pui N g o ng Student Exchange Fund of the Office of Academic Links. 捐 贈 、 財 務 與 賬目 Donations, Finance and A c c o u n ts 9 9
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