Bulletin Vol. 8 No. 12 Sep–Aug 1972
Amenities Building, the Library and the Student Hostel. The construction work for the buildings began early this year, and the total cost, not counting the site, amounts to 13 million Hong Kong dollars. Construction is scheduled for completion in early 1973. Opening Remarks by President Y.P. Mei We are here today to lay the single foundation stone for the five buildings of New Asia College. It is a great honour for us that His Excellency the Governor and Chancellor of our University has kindly consented to officiate at this function. On behalf of New Asia College I would like to welcome His Excellency and thank him for his presence with us on this auspicious occasion. The foundation stone which is to be laid will also serve as a milestone marking another important stage in the development o f our College. On such an occasion our thoughts inevitably turn to the founders and the benefactors of the College. The eminent Chinese scholar, Dr. Ch’ien Mu, founded New Asia College twenty-three years ago to perpetuate the values of traditional Chinese culture and of academic freedom. The fervour and devotion to these ideals on the part of Dr. Ch'ien and his associates in those early years touched everyone who knew them. While we are all rejoicing over the prospect of moving out to this beautiful new campus, we should keep reminding ourselves, lest we forget, of these founding ideals and purposes of the College. May we strive to keep them alive and viable in our new home. Many are the benefactors of New Asia College, but I shall take time to single out only the Yale-in-China Association for special mention. Without the moral and material support o f Yale-in-China, the beginning years of New Asia would have been even more arduous than they were. Today, and for the past nine years, we have also been enjoying the very substantial support of the Hong Kong Government. It is to the Government, and indeed the taxpayers o f Hong Kong, that we must express gratitude for this new campus. The construction cost of these five principal buildings, not counting the site, amounts to more than 13 million dollars. We humbly hope our performance will justify the generosity shown us. 石基立奠士爵浩理麥督監學大 H.E. the Chancellor Sir Murray MacLehose laying the Foundation Stone Finally, I wish to thank all of you for your generosity in honouring us this afternoon with your presence. I now have great pleasure in asking His Excellency to address us. Sir Murray MacLehose's Address When President Mei asked me to officiate on this very happy occasion I accepted with alacrity. I like coming to The Chinese University in any case, and this is a great day in the consolidation of the University as well as in the life of New Asia College. Might 1 say what a happy coincidence it is that makes it possible for Mr. Addis, the British Ambassador in Peking, to be present. New Asia has come a long way since it started in 1949 with a few students in a flat in Kowloon. On its second site in Farm Road it steadily expanded. Now it is about to take its rightful and final place with United and Chung Chi on this University campus. I do wish to congratulate President Mei on this extraordinary progress. And may I say that the College does not seem to me to have lost by being last, as it has still obtained a superb site. Wit h such a view to look at its members will need to concentrate to keep their eyes on their books. I must pay my tribute to the planning committees, the architects, and the contractors. Also, as your Chancellor, I feel we should commend the Government — 2 —
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