Annual Report 2001–02
究獎。化學病理學系盧煜明敎授獲選為二零零一年 世界傑出青年。化學講座敎授麥松威敎授獲選為中 國科學院院士。醫學院院長鍾尚志敎授和內科及藥 物治療學講座敎授沈袓堯敎授同獲選為二零零一年 香港傑出領袖。 推廣交化藝術 中文大學及其成員書院每年都舉辦傑出學人訪問 計劃,邀請世界知名學者蒞校,主持講座及硏討 會,促進學術交流。過去一年,在中大主持講座的 著 名 專 家 學 者 有 諾 貝爾 生 理 學 或 醫 學 獎 得 獎人 Prof. Louis J. I g n a r r o 、諾貝爾經濟學獎得獎人 Prof. J ames M i r r l e e s 、諾貝爾物理學獎得獎人 Prof. Claude C o h e n - T a n n o u d j i 、著名經濟學家 Prof. Paul K r u gma n 、著名歷史學家徐中約敎授、 敎育理論學家 Prof. Howard Gardner 、哲學家 Prof. Jacques D e r r i d a 、賓夕法尼亞大學華頓學院院長 Prof. Patrick T. H a r k e r 、翻譯學家張柏然敎授、化 學家 Prof. M. Frederick Haw t h o r n e 、傑出歷史學 家夏伯嘉敎授、自動化辨識硏究專家 P r o f. Stephen E. F i e n b e r g 、電腦科學家劉炯朗敎授、國際社會 工作學專家 P r o f. Richard J. E s t e s 、市場學專家 Prof. Vijay Ma h a j a n、EB 病毒專家 Prof. Alan B. R i c k i n s o n 、水務及環境管理學專家 P r o f. William Bruce Mitchell 、社會學家 Prof. John W. Meyer 和 著名敎育理論學家 P r o f. John Wh i t e。 大學文物館每年舉辦多項展覽,並輔以硏討會、講 座、刊物等,增進社會人士對中國文物藝術的認識 和欣賞。 今年是文物館建館三十周年,文物館特別舉辦一連 串慶祝活動,包括與內地博物館合辦兩個專題展覽 ——與廣東省博物館合辦的是「明清花鳥畫」展 覽,與湖南省博物館合辦的是「中國古代銘刻文 物」展覽——展出三館藏品的精華,又舉辦相關的 公開講座和出版展覽圖錄。「明清花鳥畫」展覽其 後移師廣東省博物館展出,而「中國古代銘刻文 Promotion of Art and Culture Each year the University and its constituent colleges organize a variety of distinguished professorship/fellowship schemes which bring outstanding scholars the world over to the campus. The public lectures and seminars they give invigorate the intellectual community of Hong Kong and generate beneficial academic exchanges. Prominent visitors during 2001-2 included Prof. Louis J. Ignarro, Nobel laureate in physiology/medicine; Prof. James Mirrlees, Nobel laureate in economics; Prof. Claude Cohen- Tannoudji, Nobel laureate in physics; renowned economist Prof. Paul Krugman; prominent historian Prof. Immanuel C. Y. Hsu; education theorist Prof. Howard Gardner; philosopher Prof. Jacques Derrida; Prof. Patrick T. Harker, dean of the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania; translation expert Prof. Zhang Boran; chemist Prof. M. Frederick Hawthorne; distinguished historian Prof. Po-Chia Hsia; expert in automated learning Prof. Stephen E. Fienberg; computer scientist Prof. Liu Chung Laung; expert in international social work Prof. Richard J. Estes; marketing specialist Prof. Vijay Mahajan; expert in the Epstein-Barr virus Prof. Ala n B. Rickinson; water and environmental management specialist Prof. William Bruce Mitchell; sociologist Prof. John W. Meyer; and renowned education theorist Prof. John White. The Art Museum of the University continued to contribute to the cultural life of Hong Kong by promoting the appreciation of Chinese art through its exhibitions, publications, talks, and seminars. This year the Art Museum staged a series of special events in celebration of its 30th anniversary. Two joint exhibitions were arranged in collaboration with museums on the mainland: 'Flower and Bird Painting of the Ming and Qing Periods' was organized in conjunction with the Guangdong Prof. Louis J. Ignarro Prof. Paul Krugman Prof. James Mirrlees s e r v i c e t o h o n g k o n g a n d t h e w o r l d 服務香港 放眼世界 51
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