Annual Report 2001–02
二零零一至二零零二年度中大科研人員取得之專利權 Patents Issued to CUHK Inventors in 2001-2002 專利權發出日期 Patent Issue Date 中大科研人員 ( 申請專利權時所屬單位) CUHK Inventors (affiliation at the time of application) 科技 Technology 10th July 2001 Dennis Lo Y u k M i n g 盧煜明 (Chemical Pathology 化學病理學系) Non-invasive Prenatal Diagnosis (US Patent No.: 6,258,540) 5th October 2001 Juliana C.N. Chan 陳重娥 Shao C. L e e 李少欽 Maggie C.Y. N g 伍楚賢 Clive S. Cockram Julian A.J.H. Critchley (Medicine and Therapeutics 內科及藥物 治療學系) A Me t h od for Assessing the Generic Risk for Cataract ( Ho ng K o ng Patent No.: HK1034643) 12th October 2001 Gregory Cheng 鄭彥銘 (Medicine and Therapeutics 內科及藥物 治療學系) Provision of Phenotype-matched Blood w i t h a Smart H K I D Card ( Ho ng K o ng Patent No.: HK1034860) 30th October 2001 Jun Wa n g 王駿 ( B i o c h em i s t r y 生物化學系) F.N. N g a n 顏輝娥 ( Ch i n e se Medicinal Material Research Centre 中藥研究中心) Paul P.H. But 畢培曦 ( B i o l o gy 生物系) Pang Ch ui Shaw卲鵬柱(Biochemistry 生物化學系) Polymerase Chain Reaction-restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism Test for the Authentication of Traditional Chinese Medicines (US Patent No.: US 6,309,840 B1) 28th December 2001 Juliana C.N. CH an 陳重娥 Shao C. Lee 李少欽 Maggie C.Y. N g 伍楚賢 Clive S. Cockram Julian A.J.H. Critchley (Medicine and Therapeutics 內科及藥物 治療學系) A Combination of Genetic Markers to Indicate Different Types of Diabetes i n Chinese to Facilitate Diagnosis and Improve Treatment ( Ho ng K o ng Patent No.: HK1037100) June 2002 Cheung K w o k Wai 張國偉 (Information Engineering 訊息工程學系) D I NA ( Ho ng K o ng Patent No.: HK1040356) 科技轉移 在知識型的社會裡,大學起著促進創新和科技發展 的作用。除學術培訓外,科技轉移是大學將新技術 和創新意念轉移予社會的重要手段。今年,中大的 廠校合作發展迅速,於各個領域都有可觀的增長, 其 中 包 括 由 大 學 向工 商 界 提 供 專 業 顧 問 及 技 術服 Technology Transfer The year under review witnessed a tremendous growth in university-industry collaboration in various aspects, including professional consultancy services and technical services, research, and technology transfer through licensing. Below are some examples: 研究 r e s e a r c h 44
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