Annual Report 2018–19
大學校董會報告 Report of the Council 49 策略規劃是大學上下齊心參與的一個持 續過程,而策略計劃書則是此過程的常 見成果之一。中大在2016年首季敲定 並發表《香港中文大學策略計劃2016 – 2020》,勾劃出教育、研究(包括知識轉 移)、持份者參與等三項大學要務的策 略,也闡明實踐策略所需的配合措施。 在 教育 方面,大學將為學生提供更多學 習機會,提升其語文、自學、終身學習等 能力,鼓勵他們創新創業,在競爭激烈和 急速轉變的世界脫穎而出,貢獻所長。中 大是研究型大學,我們將繼續實行前沿 研究 ,特別是中大擅長的跨學科領域,不 但在國際學術界發揮影響力,也造福本 地、亞洲,以至全球的公民,應其所急, 濟其所需。藉着動員社會上各 持份者參 與 大學事務,可加深社會對大學願景和目 標的了解,並認同我們的成就。 為了實踐這些目標,我們必須建設有利環 境,使人力、財力、物資等 資源 ,能妥善 分配和運用,確保教學、研究、知識交流 的長期成效。大學也將致力保持世界級 的校園 基建 ,配合我們在資訊時代的學 術發展。 Strategic planning is a continuous process which involves participation of, and engagement with, the whole University community, the outcomes of which are normally manifested in the form of a strategic plan. At CUHK, the Strategic Plan 2016–2020 was published in the first quarter of 2016. The plan sets out our strategies for the core functions of education, research (including knowledge transfer) and engagement, as well as the enabling environment in which these strategies are to be implemented. Our strategies for education aim to enrich the learning experience for students as well as enhance their language proficiency to develop self-learning skills, lifelong learning commitment and competencies that will make them both innovative and entrepreneurial to flourish in—and contribute to—a globally competitive and rapidly changing environment. As a research-led university we shall continue to engage in cutting-edge research , especially in those interdisciplinary areas identified as our strengths, not only to make an intellectual impact internationally but also to benefit humankind in addressing challenges and societal needs locally, regionally and globally. Through engagement with the public we will better articulate, develop and communicate an identity consistent with our visions in order to facilitate the community in understanding our goals and recognizing our achievements. In order to implement these strategic aims, we shall develop an enabling environment in which our human, financial and physical resources are appropriately allocated and deployed to help us attain sustainable excellence in teaching, research and knowledge exchange. Similarly, the University aims to maintain a world-class infrastructure that supports our academic endeavours in an information age.
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