Annual Report 2004–05
Prof. Douglas D. Osheroff 一 陳 省 身 敎 授 , 第一 屆 邵 逸 夫 數 學 科 學 獎 得主 及 世 界 著 名 數 學 家 兼 敎 育 家。 • 學 院 成 立 蛋 白 質 科 學 與 晶 體 研 究 中心 和 理 論 物 理 研 究 所。 • 學 院 主 辦 五 個 學 術 會 議 和 講 座: 一 第 三 屆 世 界 華 裔 數 學 家 大 會 (二 零 零 四 年 十二 月 十 七 至二 十 二日) 一 第 八 屆 國 際 華 人 有 機 化 學 研 討 會( 二 零 零 四 年 十二 月 十 九 至 二十二日) 一 第 五 屆 國 際 華 人 無 機 化 學 研 討 會 (二 零 零 四 年 十二 月 十 九至 二十二日) 一 胡 秀 英 敎 授 百 齡 嘏 壽 榮 慶 學 術 研 討 會 (二 零 零 五 年 三 月 一 日) 一 中 國 大 豆 生 產 之 挑 戰 學 術 研 討 會 (二 零 零 五 年 六 月二 十 六 日 至七月二日) 第三屆世界華裔數學家大會活動之一︰「我和數學大師有個 約會」 'Talk w i th Masters: The Wonders of Math' is activity of the 3rd International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians • Outstanding achievement s of academic staff and students include: - P r o f. Chow Hak Fun, Prof. Kevin W.P. Leung, Prof. Dennis K.P. Ng and Prof. Tony K.M. Shing of the Chemistry Department were awarde designation as Chartered Scientis in November 2004. - P r o f. Wei Juncheng of the Mathematics Departmen t and Prof. Xia Keqing of the Physics Department were awardethe Croucher Senior Research Fellowship 2005-06. - Prof. Henry N.C. Wong of the Chemistry Department has been elected Fellow of the Third World Academy of Science in November 2004. - M i s Kristy Ching Man Chan of the Food and Nutritional Sciences Programme was selected by the Institute of Internationa l Education as one of the recipients for the Goldman Sachs Global Leader 2005. She also represented the Hong Kong Global Leaders to attend the Global Leadership Institute in New York City in July 2005. - M r. Lin Peng of the Biochemistr y Departmen t was a member of the CUHK Team which outperformed Peking University and Tsinghua University to capture the second prize at the Third Greater China General Knowledge Competition . - Four science students were high flyers in the Hang Lung Mathematics Award which was adjudicated by a panel of world-renowne d mathematicians i cluding Prof. Yau Shing Tung. Mr. Edward Fan, a Year 1student in the Mathematics Department , beat over 90 teams in Hong Kong to become winner of the Gold Award. The bronze went to a team of thre students, two of whom were Mr. Yeung Shek and Mr. Lau Hoi Kwan of the Physics Department . Mr. Ma Chit of the Mathematics Department received honorary mention. • Two internationa l chemistry journals — M a c r o m o l e c u l e s and Synlet t — invited the Chemistry Department to set up an editorial office. Prof.Wu Chi is associate editor for the former, while Prof. Chow Hak Fun and Prof. Henry N.C. Wong serve as associate co-editor and co-editor respectivel y of the China regional office for the latter. • A number of distinguished scholars visited the faculty to deliver talks, including: - P r o f. David J. Gross, Nobel Laureate in Physics 2004 - P r o f. Douglas D. Osheroff , Nobel Laureate in Physics 1996 and member of the Columbia Accident Investigation Board for the NASA space shuttle disintegration accident - P r o f. P. James E. Peebles, world leading theoretical cosmetologis t and winner of the first Shaw Prize in Astronomy, and - Prof. Chern Shiing-shen , world renowned mathematician and educationis t and winner of the first Shaw Prize in Mathematica l Sciences. • T h e faculty established t he Centre for Protein Science a nd Crystallography and the Institute of Theoretical Physics. • Five major conferences were held: - The 3rd Internationa l Congress of Chines Mathematician s (17th-22nd December 2004) - The 8th Internationa l Symposium for Chines Organic Chemist(19th-22nd December 2004) - T he 5th Internationa l Symposium for Chines Inorganic Chemist(19th-22nd December 2004) - S y m p o s i um in Celebration f the 100th Birthday of Professor Shiu-Ying Hu (1st March 2005) - Conferenc on Facing the Challenge in China's Soybean Production (26th June-2nd July 2005) 學 術 發 展 A c a d e m ic D e v e l o p m e nt 3 9
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