Annual Report 2004–05
This is m y first annual report since becoming Vice-Chancellor of The Chinese University of Ho ng Kong. The chapters that f o l l ow set out i n detail the w o r k of the faculties, colleges and academic departments i n a year w h e n significant achievements were made i n different aspects of the University's development. The Chinese University has again done itself p r o ud as an outstanding comprehensive research university. The Year in Review One major thrust i n i n s t i t u t i o n al d e v e l o pme nt was the h e i g h t e n i ng of internationalization. O r i e n t i ng itself as a u n i v e r s i ty of international character, The Chinese Un i v e r s i ty aspires to cultivate appreciation for H o ng Kong, China and the wider w o r l d i n y o u ng talent f r om the w o r ld over. W i t h the establishment of the Office of Adm i s s i o ns and Financial A i d i n early 2005, we redoubled our efforts at expanding the areas for student recruitment d u r i ng the year, as a result of wh i ch the 2005 freshman class was an interestingly diversified group, consisting of talented students f r om the Un i t ed States, Australia, Italy, Peru, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, and South Korea. It was also the first year the University h ad joined the National Colleges and Universities Enrolment System on the mainland. Some 250 students were subsequently recruited f r om across 17 provinces and municipalities, all top performers i n the national entrance examination. It is noteworthy that The Chinese University, uniquely among institutions in Ho ng Kong, is truly open to students even f r om distant and relatively underdeveloped provinces. We also arranged for over 600 exchange students f r om overseas to study here, some 30 per cent more than last year, and for every i n c om i ng exchange student we have, there is an o u t g o i ng Chinese Un i v e r s i ty student ga i n i ng valuable experience elsewhere. The n umb er of exchange scholarships has also been increased significantly f r om 92 i n 2004 to 134 i n 2005. The University w i l l strive to develop more opportunities for our students to broaden their horizons and enrich their learning experience. 引言 Introduction 3
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