Annual Report 2011–12
中 大師生關懷弱勢社群,重視服務社 會,每年各書院、學院、學系都開 展形形色色的社會服務項目,令師生可以 運用專業知識和愛心回饋社會。去年大學 更推出 I • CARE 博群計劃,加強支援學生 參與各種社會及公民服務項目。在 2011 至 12 年度,博群計劃已資助了多個本地和海 外的社會服務項目。我們相信,服務既能 助人,也能育人。校園內外都是大學教育 的場所。校園內的教學,可以傳授知識; 校園外人間世的服務,能夠促進知識的應 用,有助大學培養出既有才識,又具人文 氣質和關懷社會的學生。 提升偏遠地區少數民族抗災能力 中國的少數民族居於天災頻發地區者甚眾, 本校災害與人道救援研究所( CCOUC )開 展一項名為「中國少數民族健康計劃」,旨 在加強這些處於中國社會最邊緣的人群應 付災害和健康威脅的能力,並提升其備災 意識。 2012 年,四十六名來自公共衞生、醫科、工 程學、社會學等不同學科的學生,在研究所 的陳英凝教授及洪磯正教授帶領下,踏足 甘肅、四川、海南、貴州和廣西省的偏遠山 區。為了提供最有效的幫助,學生先以家訪 和焦點討論方式全面評估當地需求,探討 村民的健康情況、他們對於大型自然災害 的態度、應付災害的模式,以及他們所獲得 的醫療服務。 C UHK staff and students care about the underprivileged and are committed to serving the community. Every year, our Colleges, Faculties and departments organize different service projects to that end. In 2011, the University launched the I • CARE Programme, which encourages and supports our students to initiate and take part in sustainable service projects and integrate their specialized knowledge with social and civic engagements. In the year 2011–12, the programme funded a variety of service projects that took place both locally and elsewhere. These projects not only help the people in need, but also serve our students as learning experiences outside the classroom. We believe that university education involves learning from experiences that take place both within and beyond the walls of our University. Social services enable our students to use what they have learned on campus to make a difference in society, helping us to nurture students with knowledge, humanitarianism and social concern. Empowering Ethnic Minority Villagers in China In China, non-Han Chinese constitute up to 8% of the population and disproportionally settle in disaster-prone areas or terrains with extreme climate conditions. With limited community resources, these population subgroups do not always perceive the importance of disaster preparedness and are often left to fend for their own survival. Led by Prof. Emily Chan and Prof. Kevin Hung, the Collaborating Centre for Oxford University and CUHK for Disaster and Medical Humanitarian Response (CCOUC) launched the ‘Ethnic Minority Health Project’ to empower the most marginalized section of the Chinese society to mitigate disaster and health risks. In 2012, 46 students from different disciplines, including public health, medicine, engineering, sociology, set foot in the rugged landscapes of Gansu, Sichuan, Hainan, Guizhou and Guangxi provinces to build disaster and health resilience in local communities. 服務與關懷 Serving and Caring Serving and Caring 33
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