Bulletin Vol. 2 No. 3 Oct 1965
1943, De p u ty Director o f Information Office in I nd ia f r om 1944 to 1946, Technical Expert of C N R RA f r om 1946 to 1947, and Representative of Central T r u st of China in Japan f r om 1947 to 1959. His publications include: “Probable Effects of Hawley- Smoot Tariff Act of 1930”, “Chinese Salt Gabelle in the U.S.” and other articles in different English and Chinese magazines in China. (Picture in Chinese version.) Miss Lee Hei-Man, Chung Chi College, Social Work. Miss Lee received her undergraduat e education in L i ngnan University, Canton, and received her B.A. (Sociology) in 1949. She was elected to membership of the Phi T au Phi Scholastic Ho n o ur Society of China i n the same year. She then took further training i n social studies at Bedford College, University of L o n d o n, and W i l l i a m Temp le College in England f r om 1951-1953. F r om 1961-1963 Miss Lee did post- graduate study at M c G i l l University, Canada, where she obtained her Master degree in Social Wo r k. Before j o i n i ng the faculty of Ch u ng Chi College in 1960, Miss Lee was Warden of St. James' Settlement i n Ho ng Ko n g. She also served in various capacities on committees of many social welfare agencies in H o ng Ko n g. Since 1963 she has been appointed by the Governor a member of the Advisory Committee on Social Wo r k T r a i n i ng F u n d Committee. (Picture in Chinese version.) Mr. Tse Lan-On, Chung Chi College、Mathematics. M r , Tse was born in Ho p P, Kwa n t u n g. Having graduated f r om Sun Yat-sen University, he joined Chekiang University for graduate study. He had taught at the following universities: Fudan University, Lanchow University, Ho ng K o n g University and Chu Hai College. He joined Chung Chi Colleg e in 1957. A t present he is a lecturer and acting chairman of the Mathematic s Department at the College. M r . Tse's publications included: “On Geodesic Deviation of Fibre Finsler's Spaces” (1956); “The Theory of Hypersurfaces of Fibre Finsler's Spaces” (1957); ''A Study Spaces of Multiple Elements of Planes with Euclidean Connection'' (1957). (Picture in Chinese version.) E D I T O R ' S N O T E The re has been no September issue of the University Bulletin following the practice of having eleven issues in one volume. I n Vo l ume I I No. Tw o, the story concerning the appointment of M r . S. L . Chang as Assistant Registrar should read “at New Asia College” rather than “at United College,” We apologize for the error. 16
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