Bulletin Vol. 4 No. 6 Mar 1968
in early February after having been away on leave fo r the past seven months. During his leave, M r. Lee continued his research into "Sino-American Relations 1901-32" (a project supported by the Harvard-Yenching Institu te), mainly at the L ibrary of Congress and National Archieves in Washington D.C. In this connection, he also visited the United Kingdom, Germany and France before returning to Hong Kong. • Dr. A .T . Roy, Vice-President fo r Public Relations at Chung Chi College, left fo r the United States on 22nd January to attend the wedding of his youngest son, M r. James S. Roy on 27th January in Washington, D .C , and returned to the College on 10th February. • Dr. Siegfried Grosse, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bochum, visited United College on 26th February, while on his way to New Zealand on a lecture tour. He was met by M r. T.C. Cheng, President, M r. S.K. Fang, Vice- President, M r. N .H . Young, Academic Registrar and Dr. U.C. Fischer, V isiting Lecturer in German. COLLEGE NEWS • The Hon. P. Y. Tang, Chairman of the Board of Governors, New Asia College, paid his first inspection visit to the College since taking up his office, on 12th February. He also spoke on 'T h e Function of University Education" at the 103rd monthly College meeting. • A Prize-Giving Ceremony was held at United College on 22nd February when 28 outstanding students of the College were awarded its Tenth Anniversary Prizes fo r 1967-68. Shields were also presented to members of a College debating team fo r having won the championship of a recent quadrangular debating competition sponsored by the Debating Society of the University of Hong Kong, and to members of the United Students Choir fo r having won second place in the latest choral contest organized by the Hong Kong Federation of Students. The Hon. Fung Ping-Fan, C.B.E., K.St.J., J.P., Chairman of the College Board of Trustees, officiated at the Ceremony, and over 100 persons attend, including prize donors: M r. T .K . Ann, M r. Wilson T.S. Wang, J.P., M r. M .K . Lam, M .B .E . , M r. E.A .R . Alves of Mobil O il Hong Kong; College Trustees: M r. Cheung Yok-luen, M .B.E ., the Very Rev. John Foster, Dr. A rnold C .L. Hsieh, and M r. Wong Wan-tin, M .B .E ., J.P.; parents of students, and members of the College staff. • A memorial service fo r the late Dr. S.C. Leung, Vice-Chairman of the Board of Governors and Council of Chung Chi College, 1960-64, was held on 23rd February at the Auditorium of the Chinese Y .M .C .A . Dr. Ho Chung Chung, Principal of True Light M iddle School’ spoke at the service. • Over 5,000 science teachers and senior pupils from local secondary schools visited the Science Faculty of United College and its laboratories in Caine Lane on its Open Days on 9th and 10th February. The Faculty consists of the Chemistry, Mathe matics, and Physics and Electronics Departments. Apart from other facilities, there are four laboratories in the Department of Physics and Electronics (General Physical, Advanced Physical, Optical, and Electronic) and one Mechanical Workshop; five laboratories in the Department of Chemistry (Gene ral Chemical, Organic Chemical, Physical Chemical, Research and Instrumental Room) and one glass blowing workshop. During the two days, the visitors were shown laboratory equipment, practical demonstrations in Mechanics, Sound, Electro - magnetism, Optics, A tom ic Physics, Analytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Mathematics, etc. and teaching models. Members of the Faculty also made themselves available for consultation on problems facing school leavers intending to pursue studies in The Chinese University. • Dr. S.W. Tam, Lecturer in Chemistry at Chung Chi College, who was awarded a Sino-British Scholarship fo r six months from June, 1967 to carry out research work at the University Chemical Laboratory, Cambridge University, has now gone to the United States to take up an appointment for one year as Research Associate in the Department of Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. • A t the seminar held by the Department of Journalism of New Asia College on 26th February, M r. L.Z. Yuan, Adviser to The Asia Foundation and Sing Tao Jih Pao, spoke on ‘T he Newspapers in Hong Kong" . • Dr. ST . Chang , Chairman of the Department of Biology at Chung Chi College, was invited by the Botany Department, University of Hong Kong, to give a lecture on "Mutations in the B Incom patibility Factor of Schizophyllum Commune" on 22nd February. — 4 —
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