Bulletin Vol. 6 No. 2 Oct 1969
叙 歡 生 新 與 長 校 敏 卓 李 Vice-Chancellor Choh-Ming Li wit h undergraduates of the University (see also picture in Chinese section) College Presidents' Receptions for New Staff The Presidents of the three Colleges each gave a reception to welcome new staff members of the Foundation Colleges and th e Central Office o f the University. President T.C. Cheng's party was held at United College o n 26th September; Presiden t Y.T. Shen's at New Asia College on 1st October; and President C.T. Yung's at Chung Chi College on 9th October. A l l new staff o f the University were thus afforded an ample chance to mingle informally and get to know one another. Memb e r s o f G r a d u a te Co u n c il (1969-70) Chairman: Dr. Choh-Ming L i Members: Prof. Charles L. Allen Prof. Eric Axilrod Prof. Chen Cheng-siang Mr. T.C. Cheng Dr. A. Kaiming Chiu Prof. Chou Fa-Kao Prof. N.E. Fehl Prof. S.C. Joseph Fu Prof. Bruce Glassburner Prof. Burkart Holzner Prof. Hsu Bay-sung Prof. S.S. Hsueh Prof. C.T. Hu Prof. David H. L i Dr. L i u Fah-Hsuen Dr. S.C. Loh Prof. Mou Jun-sun Dr. Y.T. Shen Prof. Alexander L. Srbich Prof. H. Arthur Steiner Dr. Sutu Hsin Prof. Tang Chun-i Mr. H.T. Wu Prof. C.K. Yang Dr. C.T. Yung Secretary: The Registrar, represented by Mr. H.M. L iu Memb e r s h ip o f A p p o i n t me n ts B o a r d The membership of the Appointments Board of the University as from 18th October, 1969 i s as follows: Chairman: D r . C . T. Y u n g Members: Mr. Andrew Chan Rev. Fr. C.J. Egan Mrs. E.A. Gilfillan Mr. Lee Hoi Kau (student representative) Mr. P.Y. Lo D r . F r a n c is K . Pa n (Secretary} Mr. Tao Chen Yu Miss Wong Buen Fun g (student representative) Mr. Wong H in Wah (student representative) Miss Beryl Wright Mr. H.T. Wu Mr. N.H. Young S t a ff Pr o f i l es M r . Duval S. Adams, Special Assistant to Vice-Chancellor Mr. Duval S. Adams was born in Wes t Virginia, U.S.A., in 1911. He obtained a B.S. degree in Business Administration fro m the Virginia Polytechnic 生 先 仕 達 安 Mr. Duval S. Adams — 7 —
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