Bulletin Vol. 6 No. 1 Sep 1969
programmes will include exhibitions, Open Day, various drama an d music performances, public lectures by eminent scholars and a bazaar. Introductio n o fItalia n Studie s The Italian Government has offered t o this University, through th e Consul-General i n Hong Kong, a lectureship annually for the institution o f Italian studies at the University i n September 1969. Madame Bianca Garufi , a n accomplished novelist and poet, has been appointed t o the post. The course, which i s a t present open t o first- and second-year students, aims at a basic knowledge of spoken and written Italian. Emphasis i s placed, at least for the first year, on oral practice, elementary grammar and simple composition. These studies come under the Area Programme of the University organized on an inter-disciplinary and intercollegiate basis. Th e Inter-Disciplinary Committee fo r French, German and Japanese has accordingly been renamed "Inter-Disciplinary Committee for French, German, Japanese and Italian Studies" . Orientatio n Programm e fo rCalifornia n Student s Sixteen University of California students arrived in Hong Kong on 30th August to join this University for one year under an exchange agreement between the two Universities. These include three graduate students who, besides taking up advanced studies i n the University, woul d b e assigned teaching duties at the Colleges. A one-week orientation programme after the Californian students' arriva l was arranged. On 1st September, the students visited the Central Office of the University i n Benjamin Franklin Centre t o attend a ceremony t o inaugurate the orientation programme t o which the Presidents o f the Colleges were invited. Mr . H T. Wu, Registrar o f th e University, gave a talk o n th e structure o f th e University. Mr. Paul K.C. Tsui, Deputy Secretary for Home Affairs, was invited t o give a talk o n Hong Kong, which was followed by lively discussions and interesting questions. Accompanied by Prof. A . Steiner, Director o f the University of California Study Centre, and Prof. B. Glassburner, Associate Director o f the Centre, these students visited the three Foundation Colleges. They were met by the Presidents and the academic and administrative staff o f the Colleges. Visit was also made t o the American Consulate General o n 5th September, where they were welcomed b y the representatives o f several sections o f the Consulate General and were explained the affairs o f the various sections. Under the same exchange programme, ten staff members and graduates o f The Chinese University have also been awarded tuition waivers t o pursue graduate studies at the University of California. Gift s t o th eUniversit y The following scholarships have been donated to the Lingnan Institute o f Business Administration of this University: ( 1 ) two scholarships fo r two years a t HK$5,000 p.a. each from Dr. the Hon. P.Y. Tang o n behalf of South Sea Textile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. and Mayfair Industries,Ltd.; ( 2 ) a two-year scholarship o f HK$5,000 p.a. from Bulova International Ltd.; and ( 3 ) a two-year scholarship o f HK$800 p.a. from Union Carbide Asi a Ltd. The Chinese Manufacturers' Association o f Hong Kong has donated six prizes of HK$500 each for equal allocation t o the Colleges i n 1969-70. A sum o f HK$5,000 has again been donated by Mr. Henry Hsu fo r research purposes o f the University. A large number of back issue chemical journals and a collection o f scientific textbooks and dictionaries have been donated by Mr. and Mrs. Edward Collins. Miss W.H. Hui has also donated some chemical journals t o the University. Personali a I. N EW A P PO I N TMEN TS Faculty of Arts English Language and Literature Mrs. Margaret E.R. Bridges 一 Lecturer, United Mr. Denis James O'Shea — Lecturer, United Mrs. Christine Kaputin — Part-time Lecturer, Chung Chi Mr. Kwan Tung-tai — Part-time Lecturer, Translation, United Mrs. Marie L.R. Chang—Language Instructor, Chung Chi Mr. William B. Hoffman — Visiting Tutor, United Mr. Jonathan Q. Mills — Visiting Tutor, New Asia Mr. Ralph Penner — Visiting Tutor, New Asia Mr. Simon C. Holledge — Half-time Tutor, United Mr. Hugh McCormick 一 Part-time Tutor, United Mr. Michael Workman — Part-time Tutor, United — 7 —
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