Bulletin Vol. 6 No. 1 Sep 1969
Prof. Srbich i s a licensed, registered Industrial Engineer and managemen t consultant. He has done extensive consulting wo rk for business and industry, the San Diego Zoo, hospitals i n California an d the U.S. Navy. Hi s major publications include Application of Modem Production and Management Techniques to Large Metropolitan Zoo Operations and Theory and Practice of Production Control in American Industry. (pictures i n Chinesesection) Universit y Healt h Centr e Donation from Yak-in-China Association The Trustees o f theYale-in-China Association, Inc., New Haven, Connecticut, U.S.A., had passed the resolution i n June, 1969 t o donate a sum o f US$200,000 for the construction o f the University Health centre. The Chinese University accepted this gift and support with deep appreciation and gratitude. The Universit y Health Centre represents another manifestation o f international co-operation so basic t o the development o f the University. Construction Plan The site formation wor k fo r the University Health Centre has already been completed. Th e architectural drawings o f the building are now under preparation. The Centr e itself i s expected t o b e completed i n March, 1971. University Health Programme Meanwhile, i n preparation fo r the completion of th e University Health Centre, th e University Health Programme Committee submitted a detailed report to the Vice-Chancellor, after careful examination of the various aspects of the entire Programme. In th e report , recommendations were made concerning the budgeting, the scheme of medical benefits for student and staff now i n operation and th e proposal o f a n interim scheme fo r the three year period f r om 1968 t o 1971. The Committee felt that the interim scheme should draw the health work of the Colleges closer together, keeping in mind the long range Programme which would be introduced when the entire university has moved t o the Shatin campus. I t also recommended that the Director o f University Health Service b e recruited a s soon a s possible. University Health Programme Committee The composition o f th e University Health Programme Committee i sas f o l l ows :— Dr. Louise Hutchins, Chairman Dr. Solomon Bard The Hon. Q. W. Lee Dr. Morgan L u Mrs. E . J . Fehl, Member/Secretary First Director of University Health Service Ac t i ng according t o the recommendations made by th e University Health Programme Committee, the University has appointed Dr. Robert Dan t o be the first Director o f the University Health Service. Dr. Dan w i ll assume duty o n 1st January, 1970, but h e i st o start planning and co-ordinating the health scheme an d Programme immediately, especially in close consultations with Dr. Louise Hutchins and her Committee, in anticipation of the completion of the University Health Centre i n 1971, b y which time the students and staff would be able t o enjoy fuller medical benefits. New Asi a Colleg e 1949-6 9 Ceremony of Celebration 1969 i s a year o f great significance t o New Asia College and marks an important stage o f the College's development, as i t now has twenty years' history t o look back upon. The ceremony t o celebrate th e Twentieth Anniversary was officiall y held on 28th September, 1969 a t the College's Auditorium. Dr. Choh-Ming L i , Vice-Chancellor o f th e University, and other members o f the University were invited t o address the assembly. Among the speakers we r e :— Dr. Y . T . Shen Pro-Vice-Chancellor o f the University and President o f NewAsia College Mr . Tsufa F . Lee Vice-Chairman of the Board of Governors, New Asia College Dr. Ch'ien M u First President o f New Asia College Dr. Francis S . Hutchins Representative o f the Yale-in-China Association Prof. Tang Chun-i Representative o f theStaff, New Asia College Mr . Hsia Yan San Representative o f the A l umni Association, New Asia College Mr . L o T it Wah Representative o f the Student Union, New Asia College Address by Dr. Choh-Ming Li Today i s the 20th Anniversary of the College Founders' Day o f New Asia College. T o be able to attend and express my felicitations o n such a n occasion i s a pleasure a s well a s a n honour. — 5 —
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