Bulletin Vol. 10 No. 3 Nov 1973
Technology, was invited to give a lecture on “Galaxies, Nuclear Power and the Energy Crisis”. • Dr. Tam Kwok-chi, Lecturer in Business Administration, United College, gave a talk to students of United College on 23rd October on "International Business in Hong Ko n g" at the invitation of the Business Administration Society of United College. • Mr. Sin King-kui, Tutor in Philosophy , New Asia College, gave a talk on “ The Early Philosophy o f Wittgenstein" on 25th October at a seminar sponsored by the Philosophy Departmental Club of New Asia College. • Dr. John Espy, Associate Director of the Lingnan Institute of Business Administration, gave a talk on "Some Unique Characteristics of the Hong Kong Economy" on 26th October at the invitation of the Business Administration Society of United College. • Dr. Alexander Rich, Professor of Biophysics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, delivered a lecture on "The Three Dimensional Structure of Yeast Phenylalanyl Transfer R N A ” on 31st October. COM I NGS AND GOI NGS • Visitors to the University include Sir George Cartland, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Tasmania; Mr. Joseph D.B. Fowells, Assistant Director-General (Regional) of The British Council , and Mr. G.A. Bridges, the Council's Representative in Hong Kong; Sir Michael Gass , former Colonial Secretary of Hong Kong and retired High Commissioner, Western Pacific; Prof. A .G. Mitchell, Emeritus Professor and Vice-Chancellor of Macquarie University, Sydney, and Mrs. Mitchell; Lady Norman and Dr. and Mrs. Warren of the London Institute of Psychiatry; the Hon. Hugh Watt, Deputy Prime Minister of New Zealand, and Mrs. Watt, and M r . R.B. Taylor, Commissioner for New Zealand, and Mrs. Taylor; and Prof. N. Yamamoto , Vice-President of the Keio University , Japan. • Dr. Lam Yat Wah , Senior Lecturer in Electronics, United College, attended the Programme Committee Meeting of the International Solid-State Circuits Conference in Tokyo and visited laboratories and universities in Japan from 3rd to 7th October. • Prof. T. Kotono, Visiting Professor of Japanese Studies, attended the third conference of the Japanese Society of Oceanian Economic Studies at Osaka from 10th to 16th October. • Prof. Chou Fa Kao, Professor of Chinese Language and Literature, attended the International Sino-Tibetan Conference held at the Universit y of California in San Diego from 19th to 22nd October. • Dr. Lee Cheuk-yu, Lecturer in Biochemistry, and Mr . Chan Pui-kwong, Demonstrator in Biochemistry, United College, attended a Symposium on “Advances in Chemistry, Biology and Immunology of Gonadotropins" at Bangalore in India f r om 20th to 28th October. • Mr. Andrew Wong, Head of the Department of Government and Public Administration, United College, attended the Seventh General Assembly of the Eastern Regional Organization for Public Administration (EROPA) and a Conference on "Implementation — T h e Problem of Achieving Results" held i n Tokyo from 23rd to 31st October. • Dr . Choh-Ming Li, Vice-Chancellor, attended the "Williamsburg I I I " Conference organized by The Asia Society and held in Hakone from 31st October to 2nd November. COL LEGE NEWS • United College celebrated its seventeenth anniversary on 20th October. Traditional lion and dragon dances, sports competitions between staff and students and a beer drinking contest were organized by the Student Union. The English Department also celebrated the occasion by staging two one-act plays: G.B. Shaw's "Passion, Poison and Petrifaction" and Thornton Wi l de r ' s “ The Happy Journey to Trenton and Camden" on 25th October at the Adam Schall Residence. • Mrs. Eva L i Ko , Head of the Department of Social Wo r k, United College , has accepted the invitation of the Hong Kong Federation of You th Groups to serve as a member of its Staff Training and Development Committee. • Mr. Cecil C. Luk, Lecturer in Business Administration, United College, has accepted the invitation of the Hong Kong Management Association to serve on its Production Management Committee for 1973/74. — 5 —
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