Bulletin Vol. 7 No. 9 Jun–Jul 1971
this University. He delivered a lecture at New Asia College on 2nd June on "The Trend of Economic Studies in American Universities" • Mr. Ralph Penner and Mr. Jonathan Q. Mills, Tutors in English at New Asia College, returned to the United States on 23rd May. They were "Yale Bachelors" sent by the Yale-in-China Association to teach English at New Asia College for a period of two years. • Mr. T.C. Lai, Director of the Department of Extramural Studies, attended the Third Regional Conference of Ministers of Education in Singapore from 29th May to 7th June. • Dr. Y.P. Mei, President of New Asia College, left for the United States on 10th June, to attend the Conference on Asian Environments held in Chicago. He also visited some institutions of higher learning in the United States and returned on 29th June. • Dr. Chi Wang, University Librarian, left for the United States to attend the American Library Association Meeting in the middle of June. • Mr. Paul Y.Y. Lam, Buildings Officer, left Hong Kong on 20th June to visit science centres of universities in the United States. • Dr. Vernon Lippard, Special Consultant to the Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation, visited New Asia College and the University campus on 22nd and 24th June respectively. • Other visitors to the University included the Rev. Father Louis A. Barth, S.J., St. Louis University, Missouri; and Mr. Frank Shakespeare, Director of the United States Information Agency. College News • The 17th Graduation Ceremony of Chung Chi College was held on 6th June in the College Chapel. The Rev. Dr. Edward A. Dowey, Jr., Professor of History of Christian Doctrine, Princeton Theological Seminary, addressed the congregation on "Love, Sacrifice and Justice". Dr. C.T. Yung, President of the College, distributed the certificates and presented the Bibles to the graduates. • A Scholarship Fund to be named after His Excellency the Governor Sir David Trench, is being raised by United College. Sir David has very kindly and graciously given his consent to its establishment. Appeals for contributions to this Fund have been made by Dr. the Hon. Sir Kenneth Ping-Fan Fung, Chairman of the College Board of Trustees, to members of the College and personal friends and well-wishers of Sir David. • The Rev. Frank Evison ceased to serve as member of the Board of Governors of Chung Chi College and has been replaced by the Rev. Frank A. White. • United College is happy to welcome Mr. William Zao, Sales Manager of the South China Photo-Process Printing Co ., Ltd., who has been nominated by the American University Club of Hong Kong to serve on the Board of Trustees of the College from May, 1971. Mr. Zao was recently elected President of the Club. • The Staff Association and Student Union of New Asia College jointly sponsored a banquet on 5th June in honour of Dr. Chien Mu, first President of the College, and Mrs. Chien, who were on a short visit to Hong Kong. At the invitation of the College, Dr. Chien gave a talk on “Career and Temperament" on the same day. • The three existing student hostels of Chung Chi College have been named after the founders of the College as follows: Hostel No. 1 Ying Lin Tang Hostel No. 2 Ming Hua Tang Hostel No. 3 Hua Lien Tang Mrs. C.T. Yung officiated at the naming ceremony for Hua Lien Tang on 29th May and Vice-Chancellor Choh- Ming Li officiated at the naming ceremony for Ying Lin Tang on 3rd June. Attending the ceremonies were members of the Board of Governors, staff members, alumni and students. The ceremony for Ming Hua Tang will be held later. • The Board of Governors of New Asia College gave a farewell banquet on 4th June, in honour of Mr. Timothy Light, Representative of the Yale-in-China Association at New Asia College, who returned home on the expiry of his term of office at the end of June. A farewell tea party was also given in his honour by the College on 10th June. At the party, President Y.P. Mei and representatives of the Staff Association and the Student Union of the College presented souvenirs to Mr. Light. • The Institute of Advanced Chinese Studies and Research of New Asia College held a reception on 22nd May, in honour of Dr. Kafe de Crespegny, Senior Lecturer at the Australian National University and Secretary of the 28th International Congress of Orientalists. At the reception, Dr. Crespegny talked on "Chinese Studies in Australia". • A Seminar on "Education in Hong Kong", organized by Prof. Tang Chun-i, Professor of Philosophy, was held at New Asia College on 22nd May. About 20 teachers from New Asia College and Chung Chi College attended. • At a lecture held on 29th May in memory of the late Dr. Pi-kai Tchang, former Dean of the Faculty of Commerce and Social Science at New Asia College, who passed away a year ago, Prof. Tang Chun-i, Professor of Philosophy, talked on "Some Problems of Economics and Philosophy of History"on 29th May. It was attended - 6 -
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