Bulletin Vol. 6 No. 6 May–Jun 1970
P r o f . L i n Y u t a n g ' s P r es s C o n f e r e n c e The first draft of the University's Chinese- English Dictionary of Modern Usage has been completed and final editing is under way. The Dictionary, under the directorship of Prof. Lin Yutang, will be ready for printing by the end of 1970. Prof. Li n was in Hong Kong for a short visit in May. The University took this opportunity to arrange a conference for Prof. Lin to meet the press on matters related to the progress of the Dictionary Project. A t the conference, conducted at the Extramural Town Centre on 11th May, 1970, Prof. Lin informed the press in detail of the nature of his work, the editing procedure and the difficulties involved. The Dictionary will exceed 1,300 printed pages. Meanwhile studies and discussions on printing details are being carried out. 界 聞 新 待 招 授 敎 堂 語 林 Prof. Lin Yutang at press conference E x t r a m u r a l S u m m e r P r o g r a m me To further the goals of personal enrichment and enhancement of professional and vocational competence , the Department of Extramural Studies of the University is offering 40 courses this summer in various fields of study: Chinese Studies Philosophy Economics and Administration Science and Mathematics Education Computer Science English A r t Included in the summer programme are the following new projects: Industrial and Medical Mycology Delinquency and Family Failures Modern English Rhetoric Poetry and Music ( An Introduction) Fashion Design Day Time Painting Studio Buddhism and Chinese Novels Since its establishment in April, 1965, the Department of Extramural Studies has received enthusiastic response from the public. Last year, its enrolment reached approximately 10,000. G i f t s t o t h e U n i v e r s i t y • The University has received with gratitude a special gift of books on Chinese art from Mr. J.M. Hu and brothers in memory of their late father Mr. P.K. Hu. The collection comprises Porcelain of The National Palace Museum (33 volumes), A Garland of Chinese Paintings (5 v o l u m e s ), A Garland of Chinese Calligraphy ( 2 v o l u m e s) a nd The Selected Works of Famous Painters in Chinese History (10 volumes). These volumes are very valuable for research purpose in Chinese art and culture. The books were presented to Dr. Choh- Ming Li , Vice-Chancellor of the University, by Mr. J.M. Hu, Chairman of Patt Manfield and Co. Ltd., on 2nd May, 1970 at a brief ceremony held in Dr. Li's office in the Benjamin Franklin Centre. (picture in Chinese section) • Dr. the Hon. Fung Ping-Fan, Chairman of the Board of Trustees , United College, generously donated to the College in April ten thousand dollars, in addition to his previous donation of $50,000 and other donations of books. • Prof. S.C. Loh, Professor of Computer Science and Head of the Department of Physics and Electronics, United College, generously donated to the College Library on 13th May a large number of Electronics and Science journals, totalling 546 issues in 24 titles. These journals will be of great value to students majoring in Electronics. This donation is timely in view of the institution of a new Department of Electronics within the College's Faculty of Science, beginning with the coming academic year. I n t e r n a t i o n a l P r ess I n s t i t u t e 1 9 t h G e n e r a l A s s e m b l y The 19th General Assembly of the International Press Institute, a worldwide body of newspaper — 8 —
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