Bulletin Summer 1976
Professor Tien-yi Li, a graduate of Nankai University, obtained his M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in History from Tale University. Professor Li taught Chinese Literature and History at Tale University, where he was Professor of Chinese Literature and Culture from 1962 to 69, and has also served as Visiting Professor at Indiana University and Hawaii University. He has been Mershon Chair Professor of Chinese Literature and History at Ohio State University since 1969, and was Chairman of the Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures of the same university from 1971 to 1975. Apart from teaching, Professor Li served concurrently as Director and editor of Far Eastern Publications at Yale University from 1960 to 1969, Professor Li is a voluminous writer, who contributes regularly to various academic journals and has numerous books to his name. His major works include: Woodrow Wilson's China Policy, 1913-1917 The United States and the Settlement of the Shantung Question Thomas Hardy: His Life and Works (in Chinese) The History of Chinese Literature: A Selected Bibliography Chinese Fiction: A Bibliography of Books and Articles in Chinese and English Professor Li's association with this University has long been close. Since 1964 he has been an External Assessor and External Examiner of this University. He accepted the invitation of the University to be the Director of the Institute of Chinese Studies and Visiting Professor of History starting from 1975. Interview with Director of ICS —Professor Tien-yi Li
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