Bulletin Vol. 7 No. 6 Feb 1971
were prepared by Dr. Francis K. Pan, Director of the Appointments Service, and the printing costs were borne by The Asia Foundation. A Careers' Exhibition was held on 7th and 8th January at the Exhibition Gallery o f the City Hall for the students and the public. The main object of the Exhibition was to show the students visually the objectives and organization of progressive business establishments in which they might be associated in their future careers. Participating organizations o f the Exhibition were: American International Group of Companies in Hong Kong The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Island Navigation Corporation, Ltd. Mobil Oil Hong Kong Ltd. Hong Kong Government Hong Kong Tourist Associatio n Macmillan Publishers (H.K.) Ltd . Pan-American Wo r ld Airways Inc. The Chinese University of Hon g Kong Appointments Service The Chinese Universit y of Hong Kong Publications Office Speaking at the closing ceremony, Mr. N.H. Young, Acting Registra r of the University, mentioned that the Workshop had come to a successful conclusion because: “Over the two days, the students have met with a representative cross-section of our community leaders in fellowship and in an intimate discussion of the problems which concern their career-making. This exposure and contact is in itself a unique experience that the students will long remember. They have been brought face t o face with the best examples and images of success which some day they hope to achieve themselves". Mr. Young also thanked the chairmen and members of the workshop panels, the sponsors, and member s of staff and student workers for their invaluable assistance in making the Workshop successful. E x h i b i t i on o f t he St ud i es on T h e D r e am of t he Red Ch amb er An exhibition of the studies on The Dream of the Red Chamber, a classical Chinese nove l by T'sao Hsueh Ch'i n of Ch'ing Dynasty, wa s held on 16th January, 1971 at New Asia College. This was the second exhibition of the studies on the classical novel organized by "The Dream of the Red Chamber Research G r o u p " o f New Asia College. The first was held in January 1970. Prof. E. G. Pulleyblank (middle) and President Y. P. Mei ( r i g h t ) at the Exhibition This year's exhibition was particularly significant because Prof. T.C. Chiu, Department of East Asian Languages and Literature, State University of Wisconsin, was invited to give a talk on "The Study of The Dream of the Red Chamber in the West". Prof. T.C. Chiu , a renowned scholar in Chinese studies, is the author of The May Fourth Movement: Intellectual Revolution in Modern China, an authoritative work that has gained world recognition. The exhibition displayed differen t editions of the novel and also an index of studies of the book prepared by scholars in Hong Kon g in the past twenty years. Many interested in the studies attended the exhibition, including Prof. E.G. Pulleyblank, Professor of Asian Studies of the University of British Columbia, and local scholars. C U H K St a ff A t t e nd t he 28 t h I n t e r n a t i o n al Congress of Or i en t a l i s ts Four members of the staff of th e University attended the 28th International Congress of Orientalists held in Canberra, Australia from 6th to 12th January, 1971 , and were each invited to deliver a paper. They were: Prof. Chou Fa-Kao, Professo r of Chinese Language and Literature; Mr. Chuan Han-Sheng, Senior Lecturer in History, New Asia College; M r . Sun Kuo-Tung, Lecturer in History, New Asia College; and Dr. Aline K. Wong, Lecturer in Sociology, United College. — 7 —
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