Bulletin Spring‧Summer 1978
ERC Econometric Forecasting Model An Interview with Dr. T.B. Lin The Economic Research Centre has developed an econometric fore casting model and w ill release by the end o f this year periodic forecasts o f the Hong Kong economy , which w ill be useful reference fo r local businessmen and po licy makers. The ERC model has also an inter national dimension: the Centre has recently been approached b y the Project Link, which attempts to lin k national economic models o f various countries, to jo in as pa rt o f the Pacific Sub-Link system, w ith K yo to University as the regional coordinating centre. The University Bulletin has interviewed Dr. T. B. L in, Associate D irector o f the ERC and Dean o f the Faculty o f Social Science, who b u ilt the model, fo r a detailed account o f his research e ffo rt Dr. Tzong-Biau Lin with Professor Wilhelm Krelle o f the University of Bonn 28
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