Bulletin Autumn 1988
University o f Hong Kong. Discussions were held on two distinct but related perspectives. One was a global perspective, high lighting worldwide problems or cross-cultural com parisons between East and West, and between indus trialized and developing societies. The other perspec tive reflected the unique experience o f Hong Kong as a cosmopolitan Chinese society, as a bridge between the maritime and continental Chinese communities, and between the Chinese civilization and the outside world. The conference sessions were organized around the following interrelated panels: Chinese educational development; Chinese language, orthography, and education; cultural tradition and contemporary edu cation: philosophical issues; cultural pluralism in school curriculum; Hong Kong curriculum issues; problem-oriented curriculum; learning, production, and modernization; community education and com munity development; testing and educational policy; religious tradition and contemporary education; edu cational management and teacher education; child hood education; child-oriented education; and science, technology and pedagogy. Four workshops were held during the conference on four separate themes: 1, learning, production and modernization; community education and community development; 2 , key- problem-oriented curriculum; cultural pluralism in school curriculum; 3 , childhood education and child- oriented education; colonial and neo-colonial ten dencies; and 4 , evaluations and examinations. Cultural Events * The department o f chemistry organized the following seminars: — 'Pulsed-field Gel Electrophoresis o f DNA’ conducted by Professor Benjamin Chu, pro fessor o f chemistry, State University o f New York at Stony Brook, USA, on 11th August. — 'Curing Reactions o f Polyurethane Chemis try ' conducted by Professor K.N. Chan, pro fessor o f chemistry at Tamkang University, Taiwan, on 11th August. — 'The Chemical and Microbiological Synthesis o f Steroids Produced by the Adrenal Glands o f the Human Foetus' conducted by Dr. H. T.A. Cheung, department o f pharmacy, the University o f Sydney, Australia, on 19th August. * Professor Fang Li-zhi, renowned Chinese scien tist, arrived in Hong Kong on 1st September to visit the Chung Chi College as its 1988 Siu Lien Ling Wong Visiting Fellow. Professor Fang o f the Academia Sinica is pre sently working at the Beijing Observatory. During his week-long visit at Chung Chi, Professor Fang gave a public lecture on 'Cosmogony - Past and Present' on 5th September. * The department o f psychiatry presented a lec ture on 'Overcrowding and Mental Health: A Test o f Psychosomatic Hypothesis' on 9th September. The speaker was Dr. John M. Kellett, senior lecturer in psychogeriatrics, St. George's Hospital Medical School, UK. * The University presented the fourth Li & Fung Lecture on Commerce and Industry on 10th Septem ber in the Coral Room o f the Furama Hotel. Professor Roderick MacFarquhar, professor o f government and director o f Fairbank Center for East Asian Research at Harvard University, spoke on 'The Chinese Revol ution and the Future o f Hong Kong'. The Li & Fung Lecture Programme, set up 16
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