Bulletin Winter 1976
Publications on Chinese Studies Efforts of the Chinese University to promote Chinese studies are manifested not only in the numerous re- search projects undertaken by University members but also in the number of publications on Chinese studies. Books in English Bodde, Derk. Festivals in Classical China - New Year and Other Annual Observances during the Han Dynasty 206 B.C. -A.D. 220. Cheng, Te-k'un. Jade Flowers and Floral Patterns in Chinese Decorative Art. Dai, Shen-yu. China , the Superpowers and the Third World - A Handbook on Comparative World Politics. Fehl , Noah. Li,Rites and Propriety in Literature and Life - A Perspective for a Cultural History of Ancient China. Fehl, Noah. Sir Herbert Butterfield , Cho-yun Hsu and William H. McNeill on Chinese and World History. Fehl, Noah. The Study of World History. Ho , Ping-ti. The Cradle of the East. Hsiao, Tso-liang. Chinese Communism in 1927, City vs Countryside. Lau, T.C. Sitting Up at Night and Other Chinese Poems. Li, Chi. The Travel Diaries of Hsu Hsia-k'o (1586-1641). Liu, S.S. Vignettes from the Late Ch'ing: Bizarre Happenings Eyewitnessed over Two Decades. Lo, Winston. The Life and Thought of Yeh Shih. Mao, Nathan. The Twelve Towers -- Stories by Li Yü, retold in English. Nienhauser, William H ., Jr. et al. Critical Essays on Chinese Literature. Yang, Paul F.M. Chinese Linguistics - A Selected and Classified Bibliography. Books in Chinese Chou, Fa-kao et. al. An Etymological Dictionary of Ancient Chinese Bronze Inscriptions. Chou, Fa-kao et.al. A Pronouncing Dictionary of Chinese Characters in Archaic and Ancient Chinese, Mandarin and Cantonese. Chou, Fai-kao. Past, Present and Future of Chinese Linguistics. Chang, Teh-chang. Life of a Court Official in the Late Ch , ing Dynasty. Chao, Tsung. Drama Reform in Mainland China , 1942-1967. Chen, Cheng-siang. Geographical Evaluation of the Chinese Fang-Chih. Chen, Cheng-siang. A Study of Chen La (Ancient Cambodia). Essays on Classical Chinese Literature by British and American Scholars. Chuan, Han-sheng. A Brief History of the Hanyehping Iron and Coal Mining and Smelting Company (1890-1926). Catalogue of the Red Chamber Dreams. Dang, S.L. A Critical Study of the Poetry of the Chin Dynasty. Ho , Ping-ti. Loess and the Origin of Chinese Agriculture. Modern Chinese Poetry:An Anthology (1917-1949), Hsu, Fu-kuan. A History of Han Thought, Vol.11. Lung, Yu-chun. Textual Criticism on the Tang Complete Manuscript of Ch'ien Yun - Wang Jen Hsu's Edition. Mak, Chung-kwei. The Study of Conscience by the Scholars Wang Yang-ming School in the Ming Dynasty. Mou, Jun-sun. On the Indulgence in “Discourse and Polemics ,, by Scholars of the Wei-Chin Time and Its Influence in Subsequent Ages.
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