Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 2002
Vice-Chancellor Prof. Arthur K.C. Li Resigns to Take the Post of Secretary for Education and Manpower, HKSAR The Chief Executive of the HKSAR, wh o is also Chancellor of the University, invited Prof. Arthur K.C. Li, vice-chancellor, to be Secretary for Education and Manpower of the HKSAR earlier this year. Prof. Li accepted the invitation and tendered his resignation from the University in July. He assumed his new position in the government on 1st August 2002. At the last Council meeting attended by Prof. Li on 5th July, pro-vice-chancellor Prof. Ambrose King delivered a valedictory address to thank Prof. Li for his significant contributions to the University over the last 20 years. Prof. A r t h ur K.C. Li first joined The Chinese University in 1982 as Foundation Chair of Surgery in the Faculty of Medicine. He was twice elected by his fellow medical professors in 1992 and 1995 to take on the deanship of the Medical Faculty. In 1995, he was appointed by the University Council to be vice- chancellor designate. He served as vice-chancellor of the University f r om August 1996 to July 2002. Starting f r om scratch, w i t h the Un i v e r s i t y 's teaching hospital still incomplete wh en he began service as head of the Department of Surgery, Prof. Li led the department to become one of the most reputable surgical centres in the wo r ld w i t h in just a decade. Un d er his deanship, new medical departments were established under the Faculty of Medicine, new research and training centres were set up to upgrade medical services for the public at the Prince of Wales Hospital, and major breakthroughs were achieved in a wide range of medical research. O n 1st A u g u st 1996, Prof. L i assumed office as the University's fourth vice-chancellor. He guided the University t h r o u gh the 1997 transition and, at the t u rn of the century, 2 6 Chinese University Bulletin Autumn • Winter 2002
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