Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 2002
Holistic Education Dr. Choh-Ming Li The Emerging University 1970-1974 ‘ The idea of a balanced education, that is, general educatio n as well as specialized education, has had some earlier expressions in the colleges. Chung Chi College has a programme of Integrative Basic Studies, which embraces an introduction to university studies, a study of the main cultural traditions of China and the Wes t and perspectives in the sciences, natural and social, and aims to develop, inter alia, “an ability to face contemporary and perennial issues of life and their challenge to rational inquiry, discussion, and personal commitment”. New Asia College believe s that ”a man should have a broad general k now l edge as a framework into which he can later put specialized training, which, without a larger background, wo u ld lack human perspective”. United Colleg e aims to produce “intelligent, informed a n d w e l l - b a l a n c ed men a nd women possessing a sense of social responsibility and well-equipped to serve as we ll as to assume leadership in society”. ... University student life would not be complete w i t h o ut a student union, a laboratory for responsible citizenship and leadership. ... A s t uden t u n i on is not merely a training ground for a handful of student leaders, but a union of the entire student population, as much for those who participate as for those who organize and coordinate. The activities of the Student Unions range from social to intellectual and their interests from student welfare to international issues. Membership of the Unions is very mu ch an integral part of the "total education” of students. The University Student Union inaugurated (1971) Students in a rally to protest against Japanese encroachment on China's sovereignty over the Diaoyutai Island (1971) 18 Chinese University Bulletin Autumn‧ Winter 2002
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