Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 2002
Where East Meets West Sir Quo-wei Lee, Chairman of the University Council Eulogy at the Memorial Service for Dr. Choh-Ming Li on 11th May 1991 ‘ ... Dr. Li was also farsighted enoug h to appreciate that in a basically Chinese society Hong Kong's education system should be rooted in Chinese culture. Local higher education, he firml y believed, should be based on Chinese studies and the propagation of Chinese culture, while emphasizing continuous interaction with the West and the application o f scientific methodology . In so doing the educational goal of blending Chinese and Western cultures and keeping abreast with the times could be achieved. ’ Prof. Ma Lin ‘An Interview with Dr. Ma Lin' Chinese University Bulletin No. 3, 1987 ‘ .. Ever since its foundation, the steadfast aim has been to make the University a truly moder n institution of high standing with an international outlook, wo r t hy of the grand tradition of Chinese scholarship and culture....’ Prof. Charles K. Kao Speech at the 36th Congregation for the Conferment of Honorary and Higher Degrees on 6th October 1988 ‘ With the cross-cultural wealth that we have, The Chinese University of Hong Kong will produce talents with breadth of appreciation which transcends national and specialization subject boundaries, as well as sufficient depth of understanding to accomplish critical analysis....’ 1 0 Chinese University Bulletin Autumn‧ Winter 2002
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