Bulletin Special Supplement Ever in My Heart: Professor Ambrose King and The Chinese University
中文大學校刊 · 特刊 Chinese University Bulletin · Special Supplement 32 香 港中文大學今天頒授給我榮 譽法學博士學位,這是我 一生中最珍貴的榮譽;我能與汪道 涵先生、連戰先生、鄭海泉先生、 Richard Roberts 先生與李亦園先 生,五位傑出人士一起領授榮譽, 感到十分榮幸。在此請允許我代表 大家表達我們對中大的謝忱。中大 的學位對我而言,具有不尋常的意 義。我在中大工作三十四年,而今 天我與在座的畢業同學一樣,第一 次嘗到獲得中大學位的喜悅,並且 享受到做一個「中大人」的滋味。 現在,讓我對中大人講幾句話。 你們今天在中大畢業,所面臨的是一 全球化的歷史轉折點,充滿挑戰,也 充滿機會。從歷史與全球的格局看, 是中國的升起,亞洲的升起。對香港 的中國人來說,令人欣喜的是看到兩 岸三地的三個中國人社會,通過經 濟,文化的交流合作,政治上的理性 對話,已愈來愈形成一個互依共榮的 中華經濟共同體了。各位中大人,你 們施展的舞台不止是香港,也是整個 華人經濟文化區,甚至全球了。 一九六三年創校以來,中文大學一直 把自己定位為一間融會中西學術的國 際性大學,更以傳承與發揚中國文化 T oday The Chinese University of Hong Kong has bestowed upon me the most precious honour I have received in my lifetime by admitting me to the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa. It is also a tremendous privilege for me to be thus elevated in the company of five distinguished individuals, namely Mr. Wang Daohan, Mr. Lien Chan, Mr. Vincent ChengHoi-chuen, Mr. Richard J. Roberts andMr. Li Yihyuan. On behalf of all the honorary graduates, I would like to convey my heartfelt thanks to the University. The honorary degree just granted to me by The Chinese University carries with it a very special meaning. I have worked in this University for 34 years and, like the ladies and gentlemen of the graduating class today, I am experiencing for the first time the joy of receiving a CUHK degree, and the first taste of being a zhongdaren (a person from The Chinese University). Now, with your leave, may I say a few words to my fellow zhongdaren . Ladies and gentlemen of the graduating class, today you are at the threshold of a historic turning point of global dimensions, one that is teemingwith challenges andopportunities. Fromahistorical and global perspective, this is the rise of China and the rise ofAsia. ForChinese living inHongKong,what calls for celebration is the gradual emergence of a Chinese economic entity through economic and cultural cooperation and exchange, and rational political dialogue, among the three Chinese communities on the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. Graduates of The Chinese University, your future 榮譽法學博士領受人講辭 Address by Prof. King Yeo Chi Ambrose, Doctor of Laws, honoris causa
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