Bulletin Offprints (I) Printed with No. 1, 2013
evening of the Installation ceremony took a change of the atmosphere of the morning. Cordiality and fellowship replaced solemnity and formality of the early day. The Chancellor, Sir David Trench, spoke to the dis tinguished gathering of overseas guests and staff of the University and the three foundation colleges. (See speech on the front page.) He asked the dinner guests to join him for a toast to the Vice-Chancellor and the Honorary graduates. Sir John Fulton responsed for the Honorary Graduates. The Vice-Chancellor, in his response, thanked Mrs. Ellen Li Shu-pui, the Hon. Kenneth Fung Ping-fan and their fellow committee members for their hard work and devotion of valuable time in the preparation of the cere mony. (Members of Distinctive Mark and Ceremonial Dress Committee are Mr. H. T. Wu (Chairman), Mrs. E. J. Fehl, Mr. M. F. Griffith, Mrs. Ellen Li Shu-pui, Miss H. T. Stewart, Mr. M. H. Su and Mr. N. H. Young. The Committee for the Installation is chaired by the Hon. Fung Ping-fan. Members include Mr. J. S. Lee, Mr. R. E. Lawry, Dr. AndrewT. Roy, Mr. B. P. Schoyer, Mr. N. H. Young and Mr. H. T. Wu.) The Vice-Chancellor expressed his appreciation for the presence of the overseas guests who had come to witness the ceremony and especially introduced Mr. William E. Forbes and Mrs. Edward H. Heller who came as representatives of the Regents of the University of California. A DEGREE IS NOT A LICENCE Volume O ne • October 1964 • N um ber Four (The following is the text of a speech delivered by the Chancellor, H.E. the Governor Sir David Trench, at the Third Congregation for the conferment of degrees and award of diplomas on October 16. ‘Today the Chinese University of Hong Kong confers its first degrees upon its own graduands. This therefore is an important occasion in the history of the development of the University, comparable in its significance to the ceremonies held recently in which we installed our first Vice-Chancellor and conferred our first Honorary Degrees. 10 The C hancellor , the H o n . R . C . Lee , L a d y T rench , the H o n . C . Y . K w a n a n d the V ice-Chancellor a t the dinner p a rty (I. to r .) .
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