Bulletin Number Two 1983
Profile of University Staff The University has a staff of 2,100 in October 1982, with 1,857 on full-time and 243 on part-time or honorary appointment. Over one quarter (26%) of the full-time staff are academics teaching full-time or part-time programmes in the five Faculties of Arts, Business Administration, Medicine, Science and Social Science, the School of Education, the Physical Education Unit and the Chinese Language Centre. The remaining 74% are research staff (2%), Administrative staff of Executive Officer rank and above (6%), professional staff such as Architects, Physicians, Computer Officers and Library professionals (4 %), clerical and secretarial staff (21%), technical staff or equivalent (9%) and minor staff (32%). The following table shows the distribution of staff by function: Number of staff Full-time Part-time Honorary Total Academic 473 229 3 705 (34%) Research 34 5 2 41 (2%) Administrative/ Executive Officer rank & above 110 - - 110 (5%) Professional 73 — 1 74 (4%) Clerical/Secretarial & equivalent 398 2 — 400 (19%) Technical & equivalent 173 1 — 174 (8%) Minor 596 — — 596 (28%) Total 1,857 237 6 2,100 (100%) Almost 60% of the staff members are below forty years of age, as can be seen from the following statistics: 29 & under 3 0 - 3 9 4 0 - 4 9 5 0 - 5 9 60 & over 29% 30% 24% 15% 2% Age distribution of staff For academics, the age distribution is as follows: 29 & under 3 0 - 3 9 4 0 - 4 9 5 0 - 5 9 60 & over Professor - 7% 43% 40% 10% Reader - 12.5% 56% 19% 12,5% Senior Lecturer — 19% 54% 24% 3% Lecturer 5% 53% 32% 10% - Assistant Lecturer 24% 70% 3% 3% — All teachers 5% 43% 35% 15% 2% The ratio of male to female staff is 2:1. However, academics (Assistant Lecturer and above) are predominantly male. As of October 1982, there are no female Professors or Readers, and women only represent 5% of Senior Lecturers, 16% of Lecturers and 35% of Assistant Lecturers. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS 7
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