Bulletin Number Two 1983
News in Br ief New Graduate Programme in Music The Graduate School will launch a Master of Philosophy Programme in Music in 1983-84. The Programme, which will normally take two years to complete, will offer courses in Research Methods and Bibliography, Advanced Musical Analysis, Research Methods in Ethnomusicology, and other elective courses. Exchange Programme with Tsukuba University Renewed The University's Exchange Programme with Tsukuba University, Japan, established in January 1979, has been renewed for a further period of four years, commencing 18th January, 1983. Under the Exchange Programme, Tsukuba University undertakes to recommend two candidates from this University each year for the Japanese Ministry of Education, Science and Culture Scholarships (MOMBUSHO). Successful candidates are accepted for a year's studies at Tsukuba University. In return, this University admits students of Tsukuba University to the International Asian Studies Programme (lASP) and arranges financial assistance through the regular grants and scholarships for lASP students. New Exchange Agreement with University of California A new exchange agreement between this University and the University of California has been signed recently. The new agreement, with retroactive effect from July 1982, has replaced the previous one signed in August 1978. According to the new agreement, the University accepts up to ten students from the University of California as associate students, research students or special scholars for a year's studies in the lASP, the three Colleges or the Graduate School. The University of California in turn provides non-resident annual tuition scholarships for this University's graduates who have enrolled in any campus of the University of California and have the joint recommendation from both Universities. The enrolment of the exchange students at the University of California should not exceed those at this University. Twentieth Anniversary Lecture Series The University is organizing a series of Anniversary Lectures to be given by world-renowned scholars and outstanding community leaders throughout the year of 1983 in commemoration of its twentieth anniversary The first lecture, ‘Forty Years as Student and Teacher', was delivered on 2nd March by Professor C.N. Yang; Einstein Professor and Director of the Institute of Theoretical Physics, the State University of New York at Stonybrook. The second lecture, ‘Stages of the Evolution of Chinese Culture', was delivered on 8th April by Professor Ch'ien Mu, a famous scholar known for his works on Chinese intellectual history and philosophy. He is the founder of New Asia College and served as the College's first President from 1951-65. Professor C.N. YangAccepts Permanent Appointment Professor C.N. Yang , who was appointed Honorary Professor of Physics of the University from 16th December, 1982 to 1st April, 1983, has accepted the University's invitation to hold the Honorary Professorship on a permanent basis. Inaugural Lecture Professor Shu-hsien Liu of the Department of Philosoph gave his inaugural lecture, 'An Attempt to Explore the Possibilities of Constructing a Systematic Philosophy', on 9th March. UPGCNews * Professor C.B. Howe of London School of Oriental and African Studies has been reappointed a member of the University and Polytechnic Grants Committee (UPGC) for a further period of two years, with effect from 1st January, 1984. * The UPGC has established a Research Working Group to consider how the UPGC may best arrange to invite comment on the extent and the means by 4 NEWS
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