Bulletin Number Two 1983

Dr. Huang Ching-hsuan Dr. Gloria Yuk-nam Dunn this year, Mr. Tsim joined the University again as Administrator of the Part-time Degree Programmes. Mr. Tsim is very active in Hong Kong's public life. He is a Lay Assessor and a member of several Government advisory bodies, including the Statistics Advisory Board and the Citizens Advisory Committee on Community Relations of the Independent Commission Against Corruption. Dr. Huang Ching-hsuan Senior Lecturer , Department of Chinese Language and Literature Dr. Huang Ching-hsuan received his LittD Degree from Taiwan Normal University. Before he joined this University as Senior Lecturer of the Chinese and English Part-time Degree Programme, he taught at the Department of Chinese and the Graduate School of Chinese of Taiwan Normal University, and Hong Kong Baptist College. His publications include Shih'Chi Han-shu Ju-lin chuan shu-cheng 史 記 漢書 儒 林 傳 疏 證 ( T e x t u al research on the 'Biographies of Confucian Scholars' in Records of the Historian and History of the Han Dynasty), Wei-Chin Nan-Pei-ch'ao yi-hs ü eh shu k’ao-yi 魏晉南北朝易學書考佚( A study of the writings no longer extant on The Book of Changes of the Wei, the Chin, and the Northern and Southern Dynasties ), Hsiu-tz'u hs ü eh 修 辭 學 ( C h i n e s rhetoric), Chung-kuo wen-hs ü eh chien-shang ch ü -y ü 中 國 文 學 鑑 賞 擧 隅 ( C h i n e s literary appreciation: ways and illustrations), and Chou-yi tu-pen 周 易 讀本 (A reader from The Book of Changes). Many of his articles also appeared in academic journals. He is also co-editor of several Chinese dictionaries and college textbook, such as The Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Chinese Language (中 文 大 辭 典 ) , D i c t i o n a r y of Mandarin Chinese (revised edition)( 重編國語辭典), and Text Book of Chinese Language for Taiwan Normal School (臺 灣 師 範 專 科 學 校 國 文 課 本 ) . Dr. Gloria Yuk-nam Dunn Lecturer , MBA Division Dr. Gloria Yuk-nam Dunn joined the MBA Division as a law lecturer in January 1983. Prior to joining the University, she was a practising lawyer in Los Angeles, California, specializing in litigation and appellate work. Not only is she a member of the State Bar of California, she is also admitted to practice before the United States Supreme Court, California State Supreme Court, Federal District Courts and other judicial forums. Dr. Dunn received her degree of Doctor of Jurisprudence from the University of California, Hastings College of the Law, San Francisco, California. Dr. Dunn also has a Master's degree and a Degree of Advanced Studies in Counselling Psychology from Springfield College, Springfield, Massachusetts. Her numerous years of practical experience in counselling covers the areas of vocational, rehabilitation , student and psychological counselling; job development/placement and psychological testings. Dr. Dunn was born and raised in Hong Kong but has spent some twenty years in the United States.