Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 1981
Staf f Profile s Dr. A. Koo Dr. Kelvin Chan Dr. A. Koo Reader , Department of Physiology Dr. A. Koo was born in Guangdong Province, China in 1944. He read Medicine at the Umversity of Hong Kong, where he obtained his degrees of M.B., B.S. (1970) and Ph.D. (1974). Upon graduation in 1970 , he served as House Officer in the University Medical and Surgical Units at Queen Mary Hospital and then as Medical and Health Officer a t Queen Elizabeth Hospital. I n 1971 , he joined the Department o f Physiology, Faculty o f Medicine of his alma mater as Lecturer and was promoted Senior Lecturer i n 1978. In October, 1981, he was appointed Reader in Physiology, Faculty of Medicine of this University. Dr. Koo has been an N.I.H. Exchange Fellow in the Department o f Physiology, Baylor College o f Medicine, Texas Medical Center, Houston (1973), a Visiting Assistant Research Bioengineer in the Department of Applied Mechanics and Engineering Sciences, School o f Medicine, University o f California, San Diego (1976—77 ), an Honorary Lecturer in Physiology at the London Hospital Medical College, University of London (1979-80), and an Honorary Research Associate in the Department of Physiology, Charing Cross Hospital Medical School, University of London (1979—80). He i s now concurrently an Honorary Lecturer i n Physiology a t the University o f Hong Kong. Dr. Koo is a member of a number of local and overseas medical and scientific societies, including American, British and European microcirculation societies. He is an active member of the New York Academy of Sciences, a member of the Institute of Biology, and a committee member of the Editorial Board of the international journal, Microcirculation. Dr. Koo's main research interest i s i n the physiology of microcirculation, especially the microcirculations of the brain, the liver, skeletal muscles, the uterus and the stomach. His other research interests, a s evidence b y his numerous published articles, include the design of electronic instrumentation of microcirculation research, the isolation o f hypotensive principles from Chinese medicinal herbs, and the development of animal models for the study of cardiac and liver diseases. His current topic i s amine receptors in the vascular smooth muscle in the microcirculation. Dr. Kelvin Chan Senior Lecturer, Department of Pharmacology Dr. Kelvin Chan received his secondary education in Hong Kong and university education in the United Kingdom. He obtained hi s degree o f B.Sc. i Pharmacy from Liverpool Polytechnic i n 1969. After graduation, he spent 16 months in a pharmaceutical industry, investigating problems involved i n pharmaceutical research and the development o f dosage forms. From 1971 to 1972, he worked at the Queen Elizabeth Medical Centre and the Children's Hospital in Birmingham as a pharmacist while reading for his M.Sc. i n Pharmaceutical Sciences a t Aston University, which he obtained in 1973. Subsequently he carried out research on the pharmacokinetics o f pethidine ( a morphine-related analysis) i n human subjects and patients and was awarded the degree of Ph.D. b y the University o f Birmingham i n 1975. Early that year he was given a post-doctoral research grant by the Ministry of Defence to study the pharmacokin and pharmacodynamics o f anticholinest drugs in human subjects i n the Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics a t th e University of Liverpool. He was appointed Lecturer in Pharmacy and Honorary Research Fellow i n Pharmacology in September 1976 and was promoted Se ior Lecturer i n January 1980. Dr. Chan joined The Chinese University in August 1981. Dr. Chan's research interests centre on the 24
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