Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 1981
Recen t Developments o fVariou s Unit s School of Education In order t o improve teachers' understanding o f various aspects o f health science, the School o f Education has i n conjunction with the Hong Kong Medical Association introduced a new elective cours e in "Health Education". Objectives of the course are as follows: 1. T o provide teachers and prospective teachers with a basic knowledge of health and medicine so that they will be competent t o teach health education in the upper forms with a view to improving the general health of the community. 2. To help teachers and the new generation t o become more health-conscious. 3. To explore ways of introducing health education into schools where i t is not yet included in the curriculum. Throughout the planning o f the course, professor G. H. Choa, Dean of the Medical Faculty, has been consulted. As the course is the first of its kind, never before offered in the schools of education of local universities o r i n the government colleges o f education, it has met with favourable response from various quarters. I n this course, students will b e taught such topics as prevention o f diseases and promotion o f health, community medicine an d individual responsibility, common diseases, common misconceptions and superstitions i n the light o f modern medical knowledge, relevant anatomy , physiology and pathology, principles o f treatment, and strategies in health education. Though the course is organized and co-ordinated by the School of Education, which will also provide the general philosophy o f health education and establish its relevance to the teaching profession, i t will be taught mainly by renowned specialists o f the Hong Kong Medical Association. Motivated b y a genuine interest in health education in Hong Kong, these specialists will serve as honorary lecturers and speak o n specific topics i nthe context o f local education. Their lecture fees will be donated to the University towards the setting up of a fund for the development of the course. The new course has proved highly popular with the students of the Diploma in Education programme. Whereas the average size of a class in the School of Education i s 40-50 students, current enrolment for “Health Education" reaches 90. Apart from students of this University, inspectors from the Education Department and lecturers from the three colleges of education are also attending the course as auditing students. For the first two years, "Health Education" will be offered on an experimental basis. However, if it proves successful, i t will be established as a regular course. Three-Year MBA Programme Acquires New Premises The University's Three-year Part-time Programme leading to the degree o f Master of Business Administration (MBA) is set to move to the 362-square metre permanent premises at East Ocean Centre, Tsimsha- tsui in the summer of 1982. Since the inception of the Programme in 1977, its classes have been conducted i n the evenings on rented premises in the urban area. In June 198 0 the Chairman o f the University Council, Dr. the Honourable Sir Y.K. Kan, and the University Treasurer, Dr. Q.W. Lee, launched an appeal for donations t o acquire permanent premises in town. Thanks to the strong support o f Mr. K. H. Fung and Mr. Y. T . Cheng, Co-Chairmen o f the AdvisoryBoard to the Programme, and to the generosity of a large number of donors, the target of HK$8.5 million was reache d in October 1981 , and the Programme was able t o purchase new premises of its own. Society o f the Friends o f the A r t Gallery Inaugurated The Friends of the Art Gallery of The Chinese University of Hong Kong — a society for local art lovers — was inaugurated at a brief ceremony held at the Art Gallery on 16th October, 1981. I t has a threefold goal: to foster public interest in the Art Gallery, to publicize i t to overseas visitors and to provide scholarships for post-graduate studies in Oriental Art at the University. In his address a the inauguration ceremony, Dr. Ma Lin, the Vice-Chancellor, expressed gratitude to art lovers for their gifts and assistance t o the Art Gallery, paying special tribute t o th e Society's Chairman, Mrs. Jack Tang, and its President, Dr. J. S. Lee, 19
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