Bulletin Special Supplement Professor Arthur K C Li: A Six-Year Term as Vice-Chancellor of The Chinese University (1996–2002)
口加強考續,著重培訓,獎勵卓越服務 大學於一九九八至九九年度推出更全面的考績制度,著重雙向溝通及釐定僱員培訓與發展的策 略,又於二零零二年設立員工優異服務獎,以表揚及嘉許提供優質客戶服務的前線員工。 The Universit y strengthene d it s staff review syste m i n 1998-99 an d implemente d a n enhance d appraisal schem e to boost interna l staf f communication an d identif y th e developmental need s an d training target s of its staff force. An Exemplary Servic e Award wa s also se t up in 2002 to promote good practice s i n customer servic e and give recognitio n to frontline staf f who provid e outstandin g service. 推廣資訊科技的應用 Promotio n o f Informatio n Technolog y •成立資訊科技政策委員會(二零零零年),推行新的資訊科技策略 新成立的委員會負責規劃,推動及監察資訊科技在敎學、硏究,以及行政的全面發展和應用。 A University-wid e I T strategy was adopted i n 1999 and an IT Policy Committe e wa s se t up in 2000 to review, formulate , and implemen t I T policies an d plans , and to facilitate th e effectiv e deployment o n I T for teaching, learning , research , and administration . •全面推行資訊科技訓練及網上敎學 校方開設通用電腦平台,推廣網上敎學,並成立資訊科技學習中心,為全校學生提供資訊科技 訓練及能力測試服務。 任內大學重要發展 Majo r Development s o f the Universit y 1996-200 2 19
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