Bulletin No. 2, 2011

12   Chinese University Bulletin No. 2, 2011 Connecting Academia and Industry S ponsored by the Knowledge Transfer Projec t Fund ( KTPF ) , the Centre for Innovation and Technology (CINTEC) of the Faculty of Engineering launched the CUHK Open Innovation Network (COIN) in April 2010, to offer the following services to industrial companies registered as COIN members: 1. Free consultancy on technical subjects 2. Invitation to at tend regular seminars disseminating CUHK innovations 3. News l e t t e r s w i t h upda t e s on CUHK innovations and global technology trends 4. Free assistance to employers to organize recruitment activities on campus, for hiring student interns or graduates Prof. Wong Kam-fai William , director of CINTEC, said, ‘In the past, connections between the Faculty of Engineering and the industry mainly took the form of industry seeking advice from the Faculty or research collaborations. It’s neither comprehensive nor proactive. COIN enables CUHK to systematically and proactively build a network with the industry.’ COIN creates a win-win situation for the Prof. Wong Kam-fai William The University’s Third Mission Prof. Liao Wei-hsin