Bulletin Spring‧Summer 1992
Employment Survey of 1991 Graduates A Summary Report The University's Appointments Service conducts annually an employment survey on the year's graduates and diplomates to obtain information about their career destinations after graduation. A survey on the 1991 graduates was conducted between September and December 1991. Out of a total of1,266full-time first-degree graduates (excluding medical students), 1,232 returned completed and valid questionnaires, giving a response rate of 97.3 per cent. The response rates of part-time first-degree graduates , full-time higher-degree graduates and diplomates were 95.5per cent, 88.3 per cent and 98.3 per cent respectively. Unless otherwise indicated in the text, percentages quoted in this report are based on the number of respondents in employment. Full-tim e First-degree Graduate s Destinations Respondents to the survey numbered 1,232 . Of these 1,031 had started work locally, 160 were pursuin g further studies, four were taking short-term vocational courses, three were travelling, four emigrated abroad, one returned to his place of origin, eight were working overseas, 15 were still seeking suitable employment at the time of analysis, and six remained unemployed for personal reasons. General Trends Similar to the previous year, the commercia l and industrial sector was the major recruiter, absorbing over 60 per cent of the graduates. I t was followed by the education sector, which provided employment for 25 per cent of the graduates. The civil service and the social and public service sector each took 7 per cent and 5.7 per cent of the graduates respectively. Arts Graduates The education sector remained the major outlet for arts graduates, absorbing close to 55 per cent of the students in 1991. The number of those joining the commercial and industrial sector also showed an increase, and represented 35 per cent of the arts graduates. STUDENTS I 25
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