Bulletin Summer‧Autumn 1993

F r om Gene ra t ion to Gene ra t ion — Students a n d A l um n i O v e r 1 0 ,0 0 0 S tu d e n ts As at 1stJanuary 1993’ the U niversity had a student enrolm ent o f 10,872, o f w hom 7,694were fu ll-tim e undergraduates, 1,262 w ere part-tim e undergraduates, and 1,916 w ere postgraduate students. Surveys on new students adm itted in the last three years show that the average age o f fu ll-tim e undergraduate freshmen is betw een 18 to 19 years, w h ile the average age o f th e ir part-tim e counterparts is around 29 years. A lthough pa rt-tim e undergraduates come from diverse occupational sectors, most o f them are teachers. M a l e t o F e m a l e R a t i o 1:1 The overall male to fem ale ratio among b o th fu ll-tim e and p a rt-tim e unde r­ graduates is very close to 1:1. Male students fo rm the m ajority in the Faculty o fEngineering and the Faculty o f Science, w h ile fem ale students dom inate the Faculty o f A rts and the Faculty o f Social Science. M o s t l y f r o m L o w - i n c o m e F a m i l i e s More than h a lf o f the students re ly on governm ent grants and loans to pay fo r th e ir un ive rsity education, as most o f them are from low -incom e fam ilies. The survey on new students o f 1992 indicates that the m edian m o n th ly household incom e o f th e ir fam ilie s was ba re ly HK$12,000. O ver 20 pe r cent o f the ir fathers are production-related w o rke rs ; over h a lfo fth e ir mothers are housewives. C o l o u r f u l S t u d e n t A c t i v i t i e s A part from receiving form al, curricular education, students o f this un ive rsity develop th e ir potentials and acquire the necessary skills to cope w ith challenges o f m odem life though extracurricular activities organized b y d iffe re n t types o f student associations. S tu d e n t Un io n s Chinese U niversity students are w e ll- know n fo r th e ir concern n o t o n ly fo r student w e lfa re b u t also social and international issues, and there has been a lo n g tra d itio n o f o rgan izing student activities to voice such concern and to strive fo r im provem ents. The U niversity student un ion and the fo u r college stu­ dent unions are places w here they ac­ quire organization and leadership skills and learn to be responsible citizens o f the comm unity. 32