Bulletin Summer‧Autumn 1993
College L ife — Chung Chi , New Asia, United , a n d Shaw While the University's 57 departments loo k after 'subject-orientated teaching ’, its fo u r c o n s titu e n t co lle g e s are re sp o n sib le fo r 's tu d e n t-o rie n ta te d teaching' and the p rom otion o f informal e d u ca tio n . T he y o rgan ize gene ra l education courses fo r their students and encourage cultural, recreational and sports activities on th e ir respective campuses. Each college has its ow n history and tradition. Students assigned to a college w ill soon learn to appreciate its unique college sp irit and the extra bene fits o f a u n iv e rs ity educa tion rendered through the college system. C h u n g C h i C o lle g e Founded in O ctobe r 1951 by the representatives o f Protestant churches in Hong Kong, Chung Chi College follows the Christian education trad ition o f 13 Christian universities in China, and has as its college m otto ‘to strive towards excellence'. In 1955, it was fo rm a lly in corporated under an ordinance o f the H o n g K on g G ove rnm en t. In its ea rly years the college was accommodated in borrowed and rented prem ises on H o n g K ong Island. Ex pansion was la te r made possible w ith financial help from church organizations in N orth America and Britain. Local churches, firms and private individuals C h a irm e n o f C o lle g e B o a rd o f T ru stee s T erm Dr. Pang Shao-hsien 1961-64 Sir Yuet-keung Kan 1964-68 Mr. Lam Chik-ho 1968-70 Dr. Fook-wo Li 1970-76 Mr. Wilfred Sien Bing Wong 1976-81 Mr. Li Fook-hing 1981-87 Dr. James Z. M. Kung 1987-93 Mr. George H. C. Hung 1993-date D r. L. G. K ilb o m la y in g the fo u n d a tio n stone o f C hung C hi College (1956) College Chapel 27
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