Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 2007
Visit by Master Philosopher Prof. Lao Sze-kwang, one of the most respected philosophers of the Chinese speaking world, gave a lecture on 'Variations and Constancy in Philosophical Problematics' to over 200 CUHK members and guests in October 2007. To celebrate the 80th birthday of the professor emeritus, the Department of Philosophy organized a series of academic activities, including a one- month postgraduate seminar on 'Rationality: A Defence' and a three- day conference, 'Philosophical Hermeneutics, Cultural Criticism and the Art of Poetry' at which some 30 scholars from Hong Kong and Taiwan, mostly students of Prof. Lao, presented their reflections on the master's thoughts and poetry. Prof. Lao is a Fellow of Academia Sinica, Taiwan, and a Doctor of Literature, honoris causa , CUHK. His association with CUHK began in 1964, when he joined the Department of Religion and Philosophy, Chung Chi College. During his service of over a quarter of a century to the University, he nurtured several generations of academics in philosophy and other disciplines, many of whom have now become accomplished scholars. Spa c e Admi n i s t r a t o r on Na t i ona l Spa c e Programme Dr. Sun Laiyan, administrator of China's National Space Administration, spoke on 'China's Space Programme: Review and Outlook' on 21 September 2007 at Sir Run Run Shaw Hall. The lecture attracted over 1,000 staff as well as tertiary and secondary school students. Dr. Sun reviewed the growth, achievements and functions of China's space programme in the past 50 years and discussed its future. He also gave a brief account of the participation of Hong Kong scientists in the programme. 50 Chinese University Bulletin
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