Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 2000
Research News RGC Research Grants for 2000-2001 A total of 148 research proposals submitte d by academic and research staff of the University hav e been awarded earmarked grant s totalling HK$85,173,000 fro m the Research Grants Council (RGC) for 2000-1. The University also received a direct allocation of HK$15.7 million to finance small projects costing less than HK$200,000 each . For 2000-1, the government has made available some HK$368 million for selected research proposals submitted by academic and research personnel in th e UGC-funded tertiar y institutions, HK$66 million for direct allocation t o the institutions to finance small projects, and HK$29 million to support new initiatives aime d at encouraging group research an d strengthening the research base of these institutions unde r the central allocation scheme. The 148 CUHK projects selected for earmarked grants fall into four subject disciplines: biology and medicine (42); engineering (35); physical sciences (24), and the humanities, social sciences and business studies (47). CHINES E UNIVERSIT Y BULLETIN Autumn • Winter 2000
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